OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2015-02-11 07:30
- 44.46G Eligius 342970 000000000000000005942b38c67ceffca3c504b244396ca14448687ddff8ca6c
2015-02-11 00:27
- 44.46G Eligius 342928 00000000000000000a53130cf15a974097cf7e6b0cc98cbdd62bf7b448738f11
2015-02-11 00:08
- 44.46G Eligius 342924 00000000000000000c6b4c5996960c1cef148dc567c23740a86496f019266e1b
2015-02-10 09:08
- 44.46G Eligius 342836 000000000000000009bd94cf2166dd0a2f0e659e86f9779325b015bc7b1da195
2015-02-10 06:43
- 44.46G Eligius 342819 00000000000000000182e2b87d0f100de44a86ae7fe39321a9d4d9def5a7c7ae
2015-02-10 01:18
- 44.46G Eligius 342787 000000000000000008fa2d19cd6919bf79e7c10cba629e89bc60f8afb8eab12a
2015-02-09 22:22
- 44.46G Eligius 342765 0000000000000000044e8fb97840f50d9a909e4cee44abaf54e1dc1b9271d81b
2015-02-09 15:25
- 41.27G Eligius 342717 000000000000000003053a7b419d3a13f8d9ebf45b70a3acc46cca3f8536c1d8
2015-02-09 12:23
- 41.27G Eligius 342701 0000000000000000151b5fed58bd3bc40b5da4f9d5a4ade192a1a3c7c5dcdea1
2015-02-09 12:17
- 41.27G Eligius 342699 00000000000000000740c06625ade599d5e89400c9a1da03b444dd0ee99538d0
2015-02-08 23:01
- 41.27G Eligius 342611 00000000000000001496b51f7347a633610fa3aab9c148fd0b2dc22ba3a9cb4a
2015-02-08 09:43
- 41.27G Eligius 342537 00000000000000001633bf525552a701646792c2576f9941e527b6584c8342f5
2015-02-08 05:55
- 41.27G Eligius 342516 000000000000000013e977e339179c11e18067d1a01a28f15f4cf75416c2ca7d
2015-02-08 00:31
- 41.27G Eligius 342489 000000000000000006189fa047127fd834e5cded56d42e7bdade4e28d2d95249
2015-02-07 17:43
- 41.27G Eligius 342449 000000000000000008af23c3423fa9af1bcd920682e5a53c398cb493cef0e372
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
Share Log Window