OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2013-02-04 19:37
- 0.00G Eligius 219625 00000000000004c011781d3a12dbf27dc7b6091314e090298b5072bf9e4c244b
2013-02-03 18:06
- 0.00G Eligius 219437 0000000000000104408ae2903e3e3f5d15d329f3fd856ad106b03a184f1c64d0
2013-02-03 17:02
- 0.00G Eligius 219427 000000000000008b72d9c38e0ef15b018875cc77de259ffa649d297ca86a6740
2013-02-03 06:43
- 0.00G Eligius 219361 0000000000000453a40d906e129e60987bc8ffc79eaf9d8ad249923864077530
2013-02-02 20:11
- 0.00G Eligius 219282 00000000000001fbb6e5c8c259ec8d3e5006e3c664fbcadfb4b014dc39f2d358
2013-02-02 12:12
- 0.00G Eligius 219247 000000000000036809514ea2d4adcdf2d0b05cb43c1cfe996600a572270330e1
2013-02-02 11:13
- 0.00G Eligius 219235 00000000000004b062164b8a4aa3abd4a9849b613d82613ecef61e50049fe9b6
2013-02-01 07:19
- 0.00G Eligius 219040 00000000000000be1339ce7c27fcccabe7a378a24c572ffd03dd0f61169baebf
2013-01-31 13:15
- 0.00G Eligius 218915 000000000000003b7c8a4eceff345dbbf0e8dbb6cd9cc91993d15e7da9f72370
2013-01-31 05:08
- 0.00G Eligius 218846 000000000000058144f069f398d3c1df345b741586dbaa130c5f70e73ea8c3b7
2013-01-31 02:25
- 0.00G Eligius 218832 0000000000000363a24ee9226a1883f6513bd07576518ec68a36b2a588aef20f
2013-01-29 19:44
- 0.00G Eligius 218634 00000000000003ec1f235315817cd3e2eab6b80e62182704fd01cc30386235dc
2013-01-29 15:21
- 0.00G Eligius 218596 000000000000013aeafe2a371e53016bacf92bedaa83e4c76ca060e4a16e8f88
2013-01-28 03:56
- 0.00G Eligius 218380 00000000000001441e399efaa7ab51a017a00f337d5069c3fa5a5e6afe588382
2013-01-27 03:01
- 0.00G Eligius 218222 0000000000000453de31c31b2be57b420ffc3e89a72e9547d0d7ecac41062ef7
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
47 hours
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