OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2015-07-01 09:16
- 49.40G Eligius 363323 00000000000000000918729de1d981d392dcd5980df9256c17cfbc0426d903eb
2015-07-01 07:17
- 49.40G Eligius 363313 00000000000000000ad1252ed62f7814777e07839eb4ae1586fe660373d4fee3
2015-07-01 05:43
- 49.40G Eligius 363303 000000000000000011fb76b9ffa4681de7816c659f58d7c4c4efeedf84467cfb
2015-06-30 23:14
- 49.40G Eligius 363259 00000000000000000638218146b8c0ac807315174c0104f390481853188df124
2015-06-30 23:12
- 49.40G Eligius 363258 0000000000000000071359c423077912ed499e7351de61b9462d4178f2b45e94
2015-06-30 17:20
- 49.40G Eligius 363222 00000000000000000a012d80e229db967f1246f01ecf7140f9e4f5630630cc4e
2015-06-30 16:12
- 49.40G Eligius 363215 00000000000000001599522de3e8ed28f0189ddccfa1d6db5eb380cacffc79d7
2015-06-30 10:21
- 49.40G Eligius 363184 00000000000000000c4560d01ecb9f181f0d3e062dda8f2610fc0ae95c56a546
2015-06-29 20:38
- 49.40G Eligius 363094 00000000000000000757a7f2f72a946395c27843ad4bb1f3fa800a3be29d5aa2
2015-06-29 19:20
- 49.40G Eligius 363089 0000000000000000073784e43547693997ae1382b1f38f2fb4d1591219cda291
2015-06-29 10:09
- 49.40G Eligius 363039 00000000000000000318715f7fdfedcfa85207313a1d66cd30c493c1dbeb3a53
2015-06-29 00:44
- 49.40G Eligius 362982 00000000000000000e8c3938f7abeca5bcdac93293346745f640f5aca4c5b534
2015-06-29 00:42
- 49.40G Eligius 362980 000000000000000000fae435c0cf74f4bfa65a56d3833ea9fe0f978ab9d3d878
2015-06-28 19:10
- 49.40G Eligius 362952 0000000000000000105aab14f52f4b006375e950c5ae17a29eaf1852fa2f589b
2015-06-28 18:43
- 49.40G Eligius 362947 0000000000000000102f3c8d3749ab37036670eb10001f357b734526b45de37b
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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