OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2015-01-28 01:25
- 41.27G Eligius 340771 00000000000000000144f4d8ea8d500804fb81e36d4cf76d94271b2832f41a03
2015-01-28 00:54
- 41.27G Eligius 340767 0000000000000000151e55ec89d8d9d8e91578c1d7e4b91ab437fbe8feeb6665
2015-01-27 23:56
- 41.27G Eligius 340759 000000000000000000c668f15b1a557eeaf16badfa455aa4dc2643ab586fbad1
2015-01-27 16:32
- 41.27G Eligius 340716 000000000000000010db2dff5e5f5dbf6eb4e1e7567450388072651daf6dadc6
2015-01-27 12:09
- 43.97G Eligius 340686 00000000000000000902b41f8bc91749079943fed34db2d4fd9c911548a6e562
2015-01-27 06:35
- 43.97G Eligius 340652 0000000000000000115275e9315f01cf34e0e5c0bcc9277fc0f2135fd32dc4fc
2015-01-26 22:41
- 43.97G Eligius 340606 0000000000000000185171fc246f1a9e96a40a8c03ba9f743e840ec4e18b9bca
2015-01-26 03:18
- 43.97G Eligius 340505 00000000000000000f507aecccec036f15e554250eeb360acd323174b15ea1ab
2015-01-26 01:39
- 43.97G Eligius 340493 00000000000000001631a5dd678c3c0e8f3e902571501cbf9ad4cd359639f830
2015-01-25 23:09
- 43.97G Eligius 340481 00000000000000000f6948c2bab28cafe43d505e6beb32772c6f2307f17831d4
2015-01-25 21:08
- 43.97G Eligius 340470 0000000000000000091ca3c655bb9b31121fe8da9e1b75248e023e93564ead93
2015-01-25 19:56
- 43.97G Eligius 340462 000000000000000012bb3d7f3535589e0d688b0487884729d734a42084979b96
2015-01-25 19:23
- 43.97G Eligius 340458 0000000000000000086c9e6b4d1d623a46fe822e36c478709ac5d759f8c88576
2015-01-25 13:25
- 43.97G Eligius 340429 00000000000000001744258240fa4d5dc213393cfc85e450537cd39e84865b4a
2015-01-25 11:14
- 43.97G Eligius 340418 000000000000000014fe2fe8bd023e0c378eed110598d09a7d3c33a33a42f0e3
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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