OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-12-22 22:52
- 39.46G Eligius 335438 0000000000000000028062fd3bb31d997bbfd8ca13d3e700f46021f6f49c949f
2014-12-22 21:48
- 39.46G Eligius 335430 0000000000000000006f084d23ae2c370488b8ba4e010f35f1b1fe2c475f5c70
2014-12-22 20:41
- 39.46G Eligius 335419 00000000000000001a140d934b15f253836e0b19b6c560369befe0b3b2ef10b8
2014-12-22 15:36
- 39.46G Eligius 335380 00000000000000000539474e8181a4e0410f29038d46bdf9dc819466ab4e8a6e
2014-12-22 11:31
- 39.46G Eligius 335358 000000000000000015e3ef06a0819e955d0c92741e4955ad30970616f7403fc4
2014-12-22 11:00
- 39.46G Eligius 335357 000000000000000016667660be2c215d81e54a31b5ff2435a02e3d99e0efefa7
2014-12-22 07:16
- 39.46G Eligius 335336 00000000000000001236608e20abab496341366d67b2de6322909a4863cf46ef
2014-12-21 19:49
- 39.46G Eligius 335279 00000000000000001a1057267070e8eb6a13b6958de199c07529a020831a3a09
2014-12-21 19:22
- 39.46G Eligius 335277 000000000000000007a3c7c6791d1a28241620035d4677fbe65c97853efa48a4
2014-12-21 07:31
- 39.46G Eligius 335203 000000000000000019f1745223dbeb425efd3fdf201173bf2bd9759e51f9b109
2014-12-20 23:55
- 39.46G Eligius 335159 000000000000000004e2f0dbede4f04daa7513d44ddc4b5361cc1ffc020f6664
2014-12-20 14:42
- 39.46G Eligius 335108 000000000000000006b0f0979edd809fd3f80a416b1485a18874adb25e84d1b7
2014-12-20 13:05
- 39.46G Eligius 335101 000000000000000011399d908848f9a7ff124195ffea51eab19c37c08aa63f65
2014-12-20 13:01
- 39.46G Eligius 335100 0000000000000000120198a0b845d223877bafa954c964bf971815588a8dbd08
2014-12-20 11:12
- 39.46G Eligius 335091 00000000000000000ba6d7d44e715471b75788a464fa0a45f8238622deb8388f
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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