OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-09-10 03:37
- 27.43G Eligius 319940 000000000000000005f0f6401cbf97f87e9a5402cc19aaa09e260631cdd3fff2
2014-09-09 19:49
- 27.43G Eligius 319882 000000000000000000a7cd6fd22a322d44d7517a4643a73fda9ea5e9a0e97423
2014-09-09 19:35
- 27.43G Eligius 319880 000000000000000006e5e07be0e5afd1d4fd92c7883fc5f6153b63acd1158b53
2014-09-09 18:24
- 27.43G Eligius 319871 00000000000000001f218077f7806e846d6cbec1ff04cc8aeaa6ddcb74a507e6
2014-09-09 14:43
- 27.43G Eligius 319851 000000000000000027b178983fa566ed4585fcf147e4b1fb65dbdc648d405b2b
2014-09-09 04:22
- 27.43G Eligius 319792 00000000000000000f68e8f468cf76f512cf472ce720a31b81c3095235e9a4c8
2014-09-08 23:31
- 27.43G Eligius 319762 000000000000000007a209c42d7abd9d17aadf5f9fe08f360754146b35a89081
2014-09-08 18:14
- 27.43G Eligius 319738 00000000000000000a88232b12ecc0dad9a8d26965f6236c5c20e78a231d8d39
2014-09-08 14:44
- 27.43G Eligius 319717 0000000000000000089a568c28ea498098c61008c1e510e71b7c0ebe6bd6b8da
2014-09-08 13:12
- 27.43G Eligius 319707 000000000000000010b908fd5fabc641f9ef76f177f376492ca13e0e2c5e10de
2014-09-08 08:54
- 27.43G Eligius 319678 000000000000000005abb17e470ca07f83c3787ae0d05d5bfc00c30a08126e52
2014-09-08 08:32
- 27.43G Eligius 319674 0000000000000000260e3d2ea7a27697ea27c05153114f3c22e9d5b9a6916217
2014-09-08 05:12
- 27.43G Eligius 319652 00000000000000001a8dea4a401c5210757923953113c37fefd2663c5214abfd
2014-09-08 04:23
- 27.43G Eligius 319647 00000000000000000e30229e93ff4584838dcd9263dc56dbda1d40276571913e
2014-09-07 23:39
- 27.43G Eligius 319615 00000000000000000743a67fe208c995c8918a83b81d695d9edd4c3c08a9067b
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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