OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-08-23 14:57
- 23.84G Eligius 317126 000000000000000023e1449532fbc50652aa8089fa9c852f943f214d1c722073
2014-08-23 11:05
- 23.84G Eligius 317100 00000000000000001ccbc99f9b1e9b44666735abbb6357a112583f5be1e9b0d8
2014-08-23 09:01
- 23.84G Eligius 317091 000000000000000022bda2e04d6dc7f9a7e0af011dfbfa277676595a668516f2
2014-08-23 08:50
- 23.84G Eligius 317087 0000000000000000260254579100fc0a313397866adb1d58f7878ebb93a94ffa
2014-08-23 03:05
- 23.84G Eligius 317054 000000000000000009250fac26f9406a46a109ec79124656ef2581e98ee0e598
2014-08-23 03:02
- 23.84G Eligius 317055 00000000000000001c2480ab6076bda1cb28d78c93d342cb7b1f960043d1aeac
2014-08-23 00:39
- 23.84G Eligius 317036 00000000000000001063cd101c607119edf9041b997b28fa4ebfa4a395f4d296
2014-08-23 00:22
- 23.84G Eligius 317034 00000000000000001184dc0f5d0c2567b95b42426107a9c5c921368b5371417c
2014-08-23 00:18
- 23.84G Eligius 317033 00000000000000000ca34f9bd8c9b202f052b1b0cc3876b520167e97cbb8a1da
2014-08-22 20:58
- 23.84G Eligius 317010 000000000000000015c0ea2faed084325e4d5ab979174640338c13a64f2fb76e
2014-08-22 19:49
- 23.84G Eligius 317000 000000000000000022e338ae2ebd5e3441116350e8ec7f67929973f69038e292
2014-08-22 15:02
- 23.84G Eligius 316977 0000000000000000254ab6167006c4fe7bfb399e09ebc20fc26deaacbe8b07dd
2014-08-22 14:45
- 23.84G Eligius 316975 00000000000000001d7541c6721bd3d32cb4b39ebe84a6ad91f57cca2c5b9a19
2014-08-22 14:27
- 23.84G Eligius 316974 000000000000000008af61e4e31f535da737a431cd346edaecfda36fb2ba99f5
2014-08-22 13:34
- 23.84G Eligius 316969 00000000000000000e52a7e55e6367ace179a82b34aef27c4078c4f9834e1bf7
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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