OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-08-14 04:49
- 19.73G Eligius 315514 000000000000000021fa123a10fb32719ffd593a20b7191dfdcdcda5a451f863
2014-08-14 03:20
- 19.73G Eligius 315504 0000000000000000337fa4eece67f86484da4656ad0f088c55fcfafc7f3fd713
2014-08-14 00:09
- 19.73G Eligius 315485 000000000000000032aafa8c35277198b5975e545da1d55c847f00aad543f48d
2014-08-13 13:45
- 19.73G Eligius 315428 000000000000000016f46bd78315a189a49499b9c37d91fdbc23e81a7e7e69d0
2014-08-13 12:53
- 19.73G Eligius 315423 00000000000000000d161743d0fdf03df2a2debf56ff6fabe0f1e30e0ada0395
2014-08-13 10:19
- 19.73G Eligius 315404 0000000000000000304ea26819593c60c2d5ea30f1e5cfc5abcc550593ac311a
2014-08-13 07:03
- 19.73G Eligius 315381 00000000000000000f7b2f90e94d269b3c3e9e6664ccc7bcb8f6fdca397154e6
2014-08-13 01:43
- 19.73G Eligius 315349 000000000000000031ce391de82af626464e494dd280a950ab950533f44ccb3c
2014-08-13 01:37
- 19.73G Eligius 315347 000000000000000036929aff2cef8f6a041bb028bac40c94de28334e2acebf01
2014-08-12 19:27
- 19.73G Eligius 315301 00000000000000001a36a25dcb5ba7b0aed4f6e112f390c19b86b9c2e10201f0
2014-08-12 14:12
- 19.73G Eligius 315270 000000000000000000d4d4e925ae2ea4e874d8db75d688a4f9b4e30bc2fc6301
2014-08-12 13:36
- 19.73G Eligius 315263 00000000000000001340ba27311834275c3b74792c33eb0768a1ed3ba7a7a82e
2014-08-12 10:29
- 19.73G Eligius 315242 00000000000000002edea3e1900076dc0a20388e86e092ccf1fe0fd013bc7434
2014-08-12 06:16
- 19.73G Eligius 315209 000000000000000002b9bd0ef9ee8bea9027f84b6d6b42f8ec4807ae91e3e859
2014-08-12 05:51
- 19.73G Eligius 315208 00000000000000003782710385ecd44ef5929466f914d796305fdec86e6b87f1
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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