OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-08-11 10:10
- 19.73G Eligius 315050 0000000000000000282a5ef474798251a3318ebf0eefe259527a21bee2ddf015
2014-08-11 09:13
- 19.73G Eligius 315045 0000000000000000065803a677f8d93b9a3e172e62b5206c4253375314a10d39
2014-08-11 03:26
- 19.73G Eligius 315004 00000000000000001c5353de20f5131c03b62540b640268545985dcb95d502ed
2014-08-10 23:17
- 19.73G Eligius 314972 000000000000000002f899e78766de10bcb724db86b15220183f8d723eb4ac20
2014-08-10 18:06
- 19.73G Eligius 314933 00000000000000000ef390e49efe856be3f28ce4149a48b132b6101370b77665
2014-08-10 14:46
- 19.73G Eligius 314909 000000000000000027a296aafdce13174d474c00f88cf55f37e1909304ff42d6
2014-08-10 10:30
- 19.73G Eligius 314887 0000000000000000146ba31b2424137eb74e138ef34442950b076092dac3344e
2014-08-10 09:10
- 19.73G Eligius 314870 00000000000000003570def9df958561c49ac736e3e4324cae446d0244badff7
2014-08-10 06:55
- 19.73G Eligius 314850 00000000000000002213875eb2b0f2e1d6a260835138a2069e32ae3deeaf132c
2014-08-10 04:32
- 19.73G Eligius 314834 00000000000000001396b06da3b0297367f498a7835da407d4e3b6224e8f9bb6
2014-08-09 23:25
- 19.73G Eligius 314801 0000000000000000238a2f7aee05cadbca9e63ba403881b0fb2f777e0c83482c
2014-08-09 22:39
- 19.73G Eligius 314793 000000000000000025bccf56529d919f618b1fc7e2c7ea966db71973c9c79929
2014-08-09 22:07
- 19.73G Eligius 314785 00000000000000000c221b8079790dae6c66add375d7cd0609d4069a4db043c9
2014-08-09 21:46
- 19.73G Eligius 314782 00000000000000001469d3d3cb845882870fca2b7d8d96442d2912c49ee01cb1
2014-08-09 20:51
- 19.73G Eligius 314776 000000000000000033875734b237644308ca6d0579374272432394e6ec36e4fe
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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