OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-07-23 20:34
- 17.34G Eligius 312162 00000000000000001387ba82efe0028dedea0f70e0d4caa9f808d637c083bf2b
2014-07-23 19:30
- 17.34G Eligius 312158 00000000000000000739f4d53338ef6104dfd156ccdf64a0f863827ce092b583
2014-07-23 09:24
- 17.34G Eligius 312099 000000000000000012a6bb623f1448f01d6464abc12aa0d3b0db744e3b3f5fd0
2014-07-23 08:01
- 17.34G Eligius 312085 00000000000000002902299ae5bde8901e81381ab4a7f731eded7f68704e9dff
2014-07-23 07:38
- 17.34G Eligius 312078 00000000000000000d2f17837a43ad7ef4aae5679a344e9b3817f2c95817cc8e
2014-07-23 06:55
- 17.34G Eligius 312074 00000000000000002056c32164201553754e1fa7e29b5aa3ea4a429c9609e3e9
2014-07-23 00:27
- 17.34G Eligius 312043 000000000000000020def701bd4f959a5b829107fb987e17e6dc3689e1d2940c
2014-07-22 21:58
- 17.34G Eligius 312026 00000000000000000e8c9651007e5d60f14692d023682da72ae4e594cd57518a
2014-07-22 20:44
- 17.34G Eligius 312019 00000000000000001ebaec7b0c7ee512ff7788674c120258f9e923305fe48c59
2014-07-22 18:40
- 17.34G Eligius 312009 0000000000000000357481e40fbcb367ccae412e95f2f4ebe165d4c2b4256a91
2014-07-22 14:41
- 17.34G Eligius 311980 000000000000000018f01a45c92bc7c26512526a44114f3625d0132a0f11acd6
2014-07-22 00:46
- 17.34G Eligius 311903 00000000000000002d1ce684a6896cc2abe18a0a18c4df49701427e23f57d299
2014-07-21 23:45
- 17.34G Eligius 311897 00000000000000003bebb275596ae287ad3bea8e47876b3af5f1a5f765e2a490
2014-07-21 23:43
- 17.34G Eligius 311896 000000000000000015074d7b2801ae37a3c695cf2e07b65db2a334e58156f26c
2014-07-21 23:19
- 17.34G Eligius 311894 00000000000000002833052679766e5d972fa8137b3222609463aaa6089fe82f
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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