OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-07-06 15:31
- 16.82G Eligius 309491 000000000000000012ce37f5cfe855098607d0be30d5557f13e8f05304e04a84
2014-07-06 11:29
- 16.82G Eligius 309466 0000000000000000030f4172618df5d4eaa781bd4ef538e65919a7ebbfc47273
2014-07-06 09:20
- 16.82G Eligius 309452 000000000000000023f9bbc3298f196a3353d27d31a27e67d021ef55eebd8cbf
2014-07-05 23:39
- 16.82G Eligius 309396 00000000000000000a4c5fa6d97e05c51b9e1d1990a3a7b48258a614bbd6d860
2014-07-05 21:18
- 16.82G Eligius 309383 00000000000000002bc1efa43112e1e16fbcc1943efb901d051ba2907614c277
2014-07-05 13:56
- 16.82G Eligius 309338 00000000000000002647400aafd2101ba087ca95f67a157cd22c6bb72ea3040d
2014-07-05 10:51
- 16.82G Eligius 309318 000000000000000009b1b4c0ec3873072d2f5c20910a2b1a8170cc3248a5c79e
2014-07-05 05:03
- 16.82G Eligius 309284 00000000000000003382093aaeb024c6c1433e7a4e36ba41e0333371a0443cb2
2014-07-05 03:43
- 16.82G Eligius 309272 00000000000000002767e39c1966727a5f383cf9a5a32290173bd5bb41e31685
2014-07-05 03:21
- 16.82G Eligius 309268 00000000000000004131562ca50a5fe95aa32f3c3241dccbb8526c6b487f4e22
2014-07-05 00:57
- 16.82G Eligius 309254 00000000000000000146540531084e4f5b0a7e3f1e45bec79b7976d3657a3dc8
2014-07-04 23:42
- 16.82G Eligius 309246 00000000000000003d69b9988bfe653f132ada44f8794222ffff02220b51d2ba
2014-07-04 22:56
- 16.82G Eligius 309240 000000000000000031b7630fe843862e06a6a7047286c24e726dcef2a7ed4e86
2014-07-04 18:09
- 16.82G Eligius 309204 000000000000000025dd9eb98bc286c641206964059eae86abfee0ccb690a6a7
2014-07-04 14:51
- 16.82G Eligius 309179 0000000000000000160eb0cbc13cd62566b017f6ea31d3e034e7b9964845371b
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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