OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-06-16 05:24
- 11.76G Eligius 306065 000000000000000030f094dd2990a9e9edc4bf5176882091eeb9ae79e093fa93
2014-06-16 02:46
- 11.76G Eligius 306049 0000000000000000532d7b74fa2f9f3bf609d53eff86c4e4f59be55eb2e0d044
2014-06-15 21:59
- 11.76G Eligius 306013 00000000000000005437a283e3363b4f82bac0643ce9f7d03bc4dd94794f73a9
2014-06-15 21:40
- 11.76G Eligius 306010 0000000000000000454d03a805f8117b6d7e03f424f1f6e375407090782daca1
2014-06-15 18:52
- 11.76G Eligius 305986 00000000000000000be5fe8fe7a556ed79b8791fb49b9b48fece1655911de769
2014-06-15 18:39
- 11.76G Eligius 305982 000000000000000058609a82e8c106f0985ef91887e88b15ec91dd7b1347fee2
2014-06-15 17:06
- 11.76G Eligius 305975 00000000000000001fc57a5577c63cabd29185608abb021f42eac1ebe23f0150
2014-06-15 16:19
- 11.76G Eligius 305967 00000000000000001719f4c5f30ecaeebf393480ea8102807b017e5fca46b2f0
2014-06-15 13:22
- 11.76G Eligius 305943 00000000000000003be82a35a2a6a6f270c19cc1bd58bb8e11649082e464718a
2014-06-15 12:04
- 11.76G Eligius 305935 00000000000000004d2077499557a6c4232d1d7620851985804281393d24e5a4
2014-06-15 06:27
- 11.76G Eligius 305902 0000000000000000290d1bd7a22584975d9faacd3bcc14784ce9ae8c8623a409
2014-06-15 06:21
- 11.76G Eligius 305901 00000000000000005144b159acea830f5d9a5fd0ef1abc2ff5a4ae16e3c51309
2014-06-15 03:38
- 11.76G Eligius 305880 000000000000000055580d7a08a06a87da016ea1a8cc44e2d8d0f2bea918353a
2014-06-15 01:03
- 11.76G Eligius 305853 00000000000000003b1c66f27caf572036169cb4c1c1d5aaad3375439cd4cd9a
2014-06-15 00:57
- 11.76G Eligius 305849 0000000000000000099cb8f55aac78fb2fbbaf5f05856d4b77571cf5cb60dbaf
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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