OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-06-06 21:15
- 11.76G Eligius 304554 0000000000000000162c3c18726523460a295123fec07db02a849531bd29afd9
2014-06-06 16:12
- 11.76G Eligius 304524 00000000000000001ad5264adb1e9d0fba0cf9b4b95390499e37a9c953b9ecf5
2014-06-06 13:54
- 11.76G Eligius 304511 0000000000000000070ba55da36e659d8b60f69357fbffcd362bc63b4e33b817
2014-06-06 12:55
- 11.76G Eligius 304504 000000000000000047a54893cd8316c03522128ee43d3a75a189af91ca56e379
2014-06-06 10:12
- 11.76G Eligius 304488 00000000000000000f3ce269e4b3bad048a677b7ee40838259686eb198548389
2014-06-06 08:28
- 11.76G Eligius 304479 0000000000000000353cb057e8d9e7f97c422ddfb8aa05cbebc16dd13aca0dc5
2014-06-06 04:54
- 11.76G Eligius 304460 0000000000000000598d2597e7b7dd3f121cb3698fb868ff322921e3f6b1cfe5
2014-06-06 02:04
- 11.76G Eligius 304440 0000000000000000354f7eba9adb53bc16e5e94a51ed8dea83a65d6ac36ce40b
2014-06-06 01:56
- 11.76G Eligius 304439 000000000000000041c11e53fa96975eba633275a270932f55b1d93de9257573
2014-06-05 23:10
- 11.76G Eligius 304428 00000000000000005301658eee2e72f3b70420ce5e7595803db841c758c142d3
2014-06-05 22:22
- 11.76G Eligius 304421 0000000000000000183141df676e87d43a13fe088d88ddec154ddb354f68ad45
2014-06-05 20:35
- 10.46G Eligius 304406 0000000000000000190ca9288860c43676a00416a8c4fca2b889ef14f83b22f1
2014-06-05 18:38
- 10.46G Eligius 304389 00000000000000006852acf5bf296662c03029acac381689c6eaccdbf41d8bdb
2014-06-05 18:34
- 10.46G Eligius 304387 0000000000000000616110d4cef11a3fa207d7c5396a8a1ee913c3f073612e77
2014-06-05 14:36
- 10.46G Eligius 304369 000000000000000037ef61aba4f91d3acfd07ad115a61910cc3e910b87155bc9
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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