OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-04-06 11:41
- 6.12G Eligius 294492 0000000000000000042d18468918c1491c27f7775a9ca76917cc81db35381337
2014-04-06 11:18
- 6.12G Eligius 294490 00000000000000001661b0aac50941a7e8f8e5f480c66e8c54a3049add0e0db0
2014-04-06 10:49
- 6.12G Eligius 294485 000000000000000086b8ebf65dffa4805227f3903d754f092bdd06da600eadce
2014-04-06 10:34
- 6.12G Eligius 294483 000000000000000022747cc04b1ed4f546e02f22f69de78b93e9168f85d6aa47
2014-04-06 09:30
- 6.12G Eligius 294473 0000000000000000ac44549413fe9ba78189c9c454578560a20cef1cd7a2f427
2014-04-06 07:14
- 6.12G Eligius 294461 000000000000000004e9de4574c5482fe416f6e77dabfe96ec3e8c2366381ffe
2014-04-06 06:35
- 6.12G Eligius 294457 00000000000000000bd5943725d7f5fd61e8723fef76b684b59c1a08e406e602
2014-04-06 05:36
- 6.12G Eligius 294453 000000000000000096451e624a97188499ab3a5edcaeadb477dcdfba6b318a73
2014-04-06 05:24
- 6.12G Eligius 294451 00000000000000007d14d241b52c6bd12cdb30776b30d9ef98b37185b8a35c31
2014-04-06 03:37
- 6.12G Eligius 294439 0000000000000000520784feda6588bcfd9b9cff30ff19d3a052caaaa073d9e8
2014-04-06 02:59
- 6.12G Eligius 294436 0000000000000000605b1ade3c5685dfd7cf89fb08a0f75e2330a497995407f7
2014-04-05 23:51
- 6.12G Eligius 294419 00000000000000004c1c44b31e333a47eecb93f975cdeb68f9a410a5805c5599
2014-04-05 22:31
- 6.12G Eligius 294409 0000000000000000419c64227a29b0d56728fbcb168aaeda486f16d115a262d0
2014-04-05 22:11
- 6.12G Eligius 294407 0000000000000000b2e715cc9787fb908175791ff5bae2a81c9b774abc28482b
2014-04-05 19:45
- 6.12G Eligius 294395 00000000000000006744d19e8c3e90fd073ceb1495c47a7215de94a4135e1595
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
36 hours
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