OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-03-09 23:01
- 3.82G Eligius 289784 00000000000000002ff9680e80037b9cc29e616f68a519997d5551a55103975f
2014-03-09 23:01
- 3.82G Eligius 289783 0000000000000000efec96d59ba29860c7e82a226a2790b08e8b6333c9c0304c
2014-03-09 22:59
- 3.82G Eligius 289782 00000000000000011b26e67dce392b70d1f9ce9e4f0dfd8631012304f5180d29
2014-03-09 22:28
- 3.82G Eligius 289776 0000000000000000c1e815af5088cc36a799e8ec256e81f0a0208a3f0256340e
2014-03-09 22:02
- 3.82G Eligius 289772 0000000000000000b38f9a0fb795f7f7c7eaa45853ab443b412d00095e63a7f1
2014-03-09 21:54
- 3.82G Eligius 289770 00000000000000006e653d2c86bee24a1215ff92ac3e7ad9c7370abaeff36438
2014-03-09 21:10
- 3.82G Eligius 289760 0000000000000000f9f0bfa2779748148632776996f65a963b69d6d71e0f271b
2014-03-09 21:06
- 3.82G Eligius 289759 0000000000000000a0ce8a30243b10b586a196fda2e9d84f5bcadaf00b5dda72
2014-03-09 20:32
- 3.82G Eligius 289754 0000000000000000325c495d3824f4992cb682b71f7fba15b7a21716806cab3d
2014-03-09 20:14
- 3.82G Eligius 289749 0000000000000000682dcc2c7c435da0d715fefa8975f8a03e04a46ad25cd280
2014-03-09 17:24
- 3.82G Eligius 289732 0000000000000000da80062806cf193a9503facd27f56bbaab5c12ea3fd1f5c1
2014-03-09 16:52
- 3.82G Eligius 289725 0000000000000000a07810003ced22a2a4c6577b2da076d3d4f8f3d330e87c26
2014-03-09 16:40
- 3.82G Eligius 289723 000000000000000100f5cd5303a136ea52dcc4926f0c5a14f976ee36c9cd518c
2014-03-09 13:13
- 3.82G Eligius 289709 0000000000000000c75e6598cb5304a44ca70c06e9390d618f9143a83c503c6a
2014-03-09 12:32
- 3.82G Eligius 289703 00000000000000011973cab2ac941663cd7e59b5b73ba69498b212169805b871
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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