OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-03-07 20:59
- 3.82G Eligius 289426 00000000000000004b2b0823bd0271443cc9b6f3369da12b4ec6fb5fccddae47
2014-03-07 20:57
- 3.82G Eligius 289425 000000000000000005e8f2383b3a370998e3980a80c2c9e574945badc36a5901
2014-03-07 20:22
- 3.82G Eligius 289421 000000000000000034bd45d441559870947ddb922b35fb10732fecc2ea97a8ec
2014-03-07 19:56
- 3.82G Eligius 289415 000000000000000087aad7f40fded16196ad3db34e817350d6920fcdf6371511
2014-03-07 19:33
- 3.82G Eligius 289409 000000000000000047356ed1760f857d670e737f90ad55590aded8d5ac5851a6
2014-03-07 17:38
- 3.82G Eligius 289395 000000000000000044170d054fa3ab59662a5bb0d5783918a3ec8a3ec7a2b5ff
2014-03-07 15:22
- 3.82G Eligius 289378 0000000000000000e869bd7ca5ad65e9e1aefec9c64598adb25aac9768d6c49f
2014-03-07 13:32
- 3.82G Eligius 289369 000000000000000075519eedd249d786fa1ca373ef8b7f11565de1f3a57f94bc
2014-03-07 13:22
- 3.82G Eligius 289368 0000000000000000cb7f5ec4967732e339cea56630f888d3e8bc41e7475cf779
2014-03-07 13:06
- 3.82G Eligius 289366 000000000000000094ae8ea0744466ded8612232fb722aaabcf05a8800de8928
2014-03-07 10:17
- 3.82G Eligius 289348 0000000000000000a22b0503c2c553c987c69fc89a1227ad8a8d5e8edb47ad90
2014-03-07 06:46
- 3.82G Eligius 289328 00000000000000006e446f314462e026830ca46a80e2ca2b98a1fdf1ca02d5d4
2014-03-07 06:07
- 3.82G Eligius 289326 0000000000000000728a38b4ad83bc5d8e6348e221e4eb632ed07357f11947a6
2014-03-07 05:22
- 3.82G Eligius 289320 000000000000000081ae124d5035b1d26e179fd8311bd4dc62ae6f0440ee36d6
2014-03-07 05:08
- 3.82G Eligius 289319 0000000000000000bfd20779e0e2d1c4119001f7d1b7e8bb4d33884a389cf8aa
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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