OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-03-03 22:35
- 3.82G Eligius 288790 0000000000000000d7bd42b0e7e06e35e76e01b564d627ab56112383f8352261
2014-03-03 22:12
- 3.82G Eligius 288789 00000000000000000513f0c44c21e73e7aea697119d47a4c19b146e40d4e1090
2014-03-03 19:36
- 3.82G Eligius 288776 0000000000000000f084f2831e8d684808a6046714f325b0e1a64b849fb3a398
2014-03-03 19:30
- 3.82G Eligius 288774 000000000000000068fa19e17915810c1b7ea795d0d82efc92733a76cf632be5
2014-03-03 16:18
- 3.82G Eligius 288756 0000000000000000a22e0ef72f73a60b799bb8d21de002e43ba197f0d8f95645
2014-03-03 15:48
- 3.82G Eligius 288754 00000000000000009b5a4baf5a34f28ad0336b48ec9c93abe874f04264770ce7
2014-03-03 15:30
- 3.82G Eligius 288752 0000000000000000ac5dce6d213a0ef04c4fb79abda9cd93ef808c37e5bd4cb6
2014-03-03 15:16
- 3.82G Eligius 288750 00000000000000011a90dab3abd32bd598d9790ec44494ff22833426b8648511
2014-03-03 14:34
- 3.82G Eligius 288747 0000000000000000cca50dc750f17632f7fa996b48200a928043cef5080617a6
2014-03-03 13:00
- 3.82G Eligius 288735 0000000000000000d9d2cd1796d93df82155bc5146130a833b5d6ea48931e056
2014-03-03 11:39
- 3.82G Eligius 288728 0000000000000001053320771205df3417cfb12053c55a7d9f70c1f152160cf7
2014-03-03 09:20
- 3.82G Eligius 288718 0000000000000000fb352af992c0d00f6b3dcc8e546252599e6f03f2eb01f78b
2014-03-03 08:50
- 3.82G Eligius 288714 00000000000000002acd558e994c92282aeb5cad5bc93dc3d248dc4952fc8da6
2014-03-03 08:40
- 3.82G Eligius 288713 000000000000000022b22d7e055a2da9b0961d15941ca6348079b8573afae272
2014-03-03 08:02
- 3.82G Eligius 288705 000000000000000016ec586ae640b755cccff521bc51b97d3107cc0f365c629c
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
Share Log Window