OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-02-22 16:17
- 3.13G Eligius 287227 0000000000000000ed9d359bbd6abaf8d21640fb3c711062c25b99aed7120c82
2014-02-22 16:15
- 3.13G Eligius 287226 0000000000000000d77db062b8d2ff69fbca674277e47d39d799baba495343e1
2014-02-22 14:28
- 3.13G Eligius 287215 0000000000000000644e65e0b34a207344674c86d426a0e6041d48ab6d886af7
2014-02-22 14:01
- 3.13G Eligius 287211 0000000000000000eacadbca82896a9b0701f804ee5ec7f39bb71c7d0fd24681
2014-02-22 13:51
- 3.13G Eligius 287210 00000000000000012216044e3f2bc76e3a3f0e128a865ab631ac961e74a67466
2014-02-22 12:30
- 3.13G Eligius 287206 000000000000000033263de3fb6d920bf5fb747ae535f8fd4b21919746c058da
2014-02-22 11:49
- 3.13G Eligius 287202 000000000000000069d43b63159852f2c8cf29c20447cd92fee4d3df2a29d03c
2014-02-22 11:21
- 3.13G Eligius 287197 00000000000000010a7c3048dae7726d637ac668d25e012aae50819e870cbf12
2014-02-22 11:07
- 3.13G Eligius 287192 0000000000000000b9d87b6f85c97165facc5c19adfa584fb32e61ea28560b5d
2014-02-22 10:00
- 3.13G Eligius 287185 00000000000000005dc3872cff775a57c6ad4a3741c1732b52a13c5ab1861f9b
2014-02-22 09:49
- 3.13G Eligius 287182 0000000000000000922b03dbc37edf39c250b5c9052daf95eb20534153d29bf7
2014-02-22 09:20
- 3.13G Eligius 287178 0000000000000000da75e32e941537e00bd2e752527adba6193f35ccaa6da293
2014-02-22 08:49
- 3.13G Eligius 287174 0000000000000000902d5f8796fa6818c4b77397cdb93129fd9bb2dc246c73b0
2014-02-22 07:44
- 3.13G Eligius 287167 0000000000000000022a2ed29865f24aa8c92b018b743cd83ca5ad3fcf3bdbb8
2014-02-22 06:47
- 3.13G Eligius 287161 000000000000000084b5b9b7375c67632d1cd7228a948421240ec56d499c9b8e
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
30 hours
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