OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2015-10-09 11:04
- 60.81G Eligius 378129 0000000000000000015faed697dff2e16d84dd704aae3f7e0687cb5cf1e9d668
2015-10-09 08:46
- 60.81G Eligius 378119 00000000000000000f5a539fac2edb9ad2c2425bcfb04aa4fd5b31afe2f5847e
2015-10-09 04:39
- 60.81G Eligius 378089 000000000000000008493df1804fdf64a16dbd89c6eae76d98d5574562d5e98c
2015-10-08 21:21
- 60.81G Eligius 378046 000000000000000010ab22d8e8818d7dc51cd11c073a68db398f5954262a79f7
2015-10-08 20:51
- 60.81G Eligius 378044 000000000000000001414bc649da084ac6495b3fe95048e0512c5210ff38fce8
2015-10-08 19:54
- 60.81G Eligius 378038 0000000000000000030d9d528ef58cd7da75d16d368bfac09848aefc337cc2bb
2015-10-08 11:07
- 60.81G Eligius 377986 000000000000000001115567500591c3688b6f8af8b1325bf601643d55ebd727
2015-10-08 10:17
- 60.81G Eligius 377976 00000000000000000785fd3a3c9dcf43913e58eca00fa2b7d82fe16a1eb0480c
2015-10-08 10:05
- 60.81G Eligius 377974 00000000000000000271abfda9efa680ff9b9cac21892e297f1d216d6e934c04
2015-10-08 08:30
- 60.81G Eligius 377963 00000000000000000ab8c88f88a90a66a35e026562a1482b958f93a9e2fa1378
2015-10-08 02:40
- 60.81G Eligius 377941 00000000000000000783826d80b22dc6ce3f60332919b6e2ad5cbdf4aabda3a8
2015-10-08 01:33
- 60.81G Eligius 377932 000000000000000008f92561bbf7dccc9dffa90ba6d5b433fa78444618f81ead
2015-10-07 06:09
- 60.81G Eligius 377820 00000000000000000e71232539ca84a2950c70901ed9c4bebf65fc90d777db4d
2015-10-07 02:47
- 60.81G Eligius 377799 00000000000000000560b2fc9680f27c5f0d0453220ccd861101d39ce0d4ce37
2015-10-06 16:59
- 60.81G Eligius 377748 00000000000000000f7501199c2d27543badfe0a00afc6aecb9e12976d24af54
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
30 hours
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