OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2015-09-15 07:12
- 56.96G Eligius 374604 0000000000000000030d146988e4f1b1580b171edd743caa81df994f2d4fc3c9
2015-09-15 06:24
- 56.96G Eligius 374597 00000000000000000ae3bc587293d1ac462b18731192db521c0632254b3d5f0b
2015-09-15 03:26
- 56.96G Eligius 374575 0000000000000000010e88235fc13c53820d0d80e0083675f19e7720eca17292
2015-09-15 02:57
- 56.96G Eligius 374573 000000000000000006233c8a9f4366412688404f6aca2ddbe5ae50b968ec71fd
2015-09-14 07:10
- 56.96G Eligius 374454 00000000000000000dcc8e9019610f091e534caaaa5fafa8ce71c0c2dbd66871
2015-09-14 06:36
- 56.96G Eligius 374452 00000000000000000789de381da218c28f7acab6bb324172136cb2d1f1d1918b
2015-09-13 23:52
- 56.96G Eligius 374399 000000000000000004b41bc5fb277047a5e78b72d5a055969a544050134f874c
2015-09-13 12:31
- 56.96G Eligius 374320 00000000000000000ef9bac96e000e587377881e53212e67d2cf139df9b5f722
2015-09-13 09:13
- 56.96G Eligius 374296 000000000000000010be740a60320eda21dbddfbb6491df1eda6c1505b69dc60
2015-09-13 05:09
- 56.96G Eligius 374280 000000000000000000b464e00a504c5f97fa0e817a8926e4bda1d7bda76869de
2015-09-12 22:58
- 56.96G Eligius 374246 000000000000000001c78b8c80efa8d32787ad72f4df6bf706984b9acc90f8da
2015-09-12 20:34
- 56.96G Eligius 374236 00000000000000000d5907acc6ec048fe199ba62403ca6a9990d81383649a463
2015-09-12 08:11
- 56.96G Eligius 374156 0000000000000000077e34029f1fc35314d4b3a0a34f63fdc74539dc8694d9bd
2015-09-12 04:54
- 56.96G Eligius 374138 00000000000000000c43ae8d01073c015b20f539a34a0f13df17c188e82bb8d7
2015-09-12 01:47
- 56.96G Eligius 374126 00000000000000000ee60c2eff2d40b4e38af9ff0b939f8adae5013f15beaa50
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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