OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2013-04-10 09:07
- 0.01G Eligius 230616 00000000000001bfb2f15350cfac11c8601b0e2d6db1a514520484fd27bff172
2013-04-10 03:12
- 0.01G Eligius 230561 00000000000001b99ee0c32491f1f893973c22afb7eedce6cc85a8a8e2abb292
2013-04-09 21:49
- 0.01G Eligius 230519 00000000000000a9c73abbb79ad49a57d8e0f3b39687b67a1701ae986e40b726
2013-04-09 07:40
- 0.01G Eligius 230422 00000000000001bee4f659a90794d4235c5ba3f40b6c55a0503dcadb3f19fe56
2013-04-08 16:03
- 0.01G Eligius 230314 000000000000013cafe92953dc17c6ab602d6402478be70e77636a0d774f7768
2013-04-07 20:16
- 0.01G Eligius 230174 0000000000000152f9dace4df58d8c608f95c42245b7b833bb85488bd94a5e1a
2013-04-07 18:03
- 0.01G Eligius 230158 000000000000020dc6bbccb8f0647e0d47762fd6b7e370183ec3603718fe196d
2013-04-07 17:40
- 0.01G Eligius 230153 000000000000006ff816eb1d8c63a07d67a4a49baf764758c7e1e0a3eb551264
2013-04-06 20:28
- 0.01G Eligius 230009 00000000000000ecbbff6bafb7efa2f7df05b227d5c73dca8f2635af32a2e949
2013-04-06 08:25
- 0.01G Eligius 229928 0000000000000198f01a8b313dfa39d6450b5cc8b8c577445dab74e2d63f38db
2013-04-05 21:25
- 0.01G Eligius 229848 0000000000000031f9c98174d0a93e53b77ab2b1fc622f5c2c7b8e10564ace5e
2013-04-05 11:58
- 0.01G Eligius 229791 000000000000003201559178eea1eae8e928b60ac4a7851bdc682efb909ebe89
2013-04-05 10:08
- 0.01G Eligius 229777 00000000000001882f5c5004c50b281d78f905bf269aadc5f299c56a8bb3fd79
2013-04-04 23:35
- 0.01G Eligius 229712 00000000000000d37bd97ec8a37600ce290007fec7ec772df1fb14045756059d
2013-04-03 18:05
- 0.01G Eligius 229522 00000000000000e59bd6bd218f5fd06b121473c30c23d00395a84ec43465329d
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
47 hours
Share Log Window