OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2013-03-13 04:22
- 0.00G Eligius 225599 000000000000008b63308c8118a36cbb0de5a4d0627c198674b0b1ddf36bb983
2013-03-13 01:14
- 0.00G Eligius 225576 0000000000000144f33e88fb6d82bcfb1eb34d448215848b844807639eceac6c
2013-03-12 23:41
- 0.00G Eligius 225562 0000000000000372f22f6f9cdec4c7a0f74b9f3d8a87d6d541f7c884ae79a8e4
2013-03-12 22:30
- 0.00G Eligius 225554 00000000000002137dfa5d5b0ea443678c14b832389a5bb60a09260b083aec2e
2013-03-12 21:56
- 0.00G Eligius 225550 000000000000018b16c64378a8f839ce5310f3f61176cad7001d01c5cb456f9a
2013-03-12 18:41
- 0.00G Eligius 225529 000000000000031c7e1fcdecb172c499dc8cfadaac1b105186d040bd1fb4ca9a
2013-03-12 06:49
- 0.00G Eligius 225458 00000000000002f8380d75e4df93551ff4fab71904406269bb35f43286df57cd
2013-03-11 10:14
- 0.00G Eligius 225334 000000000000024bb73d285533d3b6ed9e5dedc37582cbf40cc7dbd702e9515d
2013-03-11 02:58
- 0.00G Eligius 225286 00000000000002e695205f80967706286b3ed1b2cf54412a7aa1db5e2291f05b
2013-03-10 15:20
- 0.00G Eligius 225203 000000000000033818fb20338be1fe1b223f7018bdad8ee4cea5f396cf5523e8
2013-03-10 12:05
- 0.00G Eligius 225180 00000000000001dd26c5708134ccd62544ce2c0dea8aecb61483366e428ef377
2013-03-10 06:57
- 0.00G Eligius 225137 00000000000000be54fe8da221cde0b42b3cf53834cb97e5c45437cc75b2552d
2013-03-09 22:39
- 0.00G Eligius 225078 00000000000003941050c4c4b84189bebbcf194df74345bc7785787d605b9937
2013-03-09 21:49
- 0.00G Eligius 225068 0000000000000356531d69ac5396774252e1983067d6972341c34b4c73fd2186
2013-03-08 06:29
- 0.00G Eligius 224800 0000000000000186dfe0572fceec7528605bded25e936e5163d0e647d74ec866
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
47 hours
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