OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2012-11-22 12:26
- 0.00G Eligius 209057 000000000000008f78449a829626f875e60fdf0d9c65708d3a83f427161920d2
2012-11-20 12:19
- 0.00G Eligius 208750 000000000000014cec82321954db10c0e7b1888c4b1b725b94444e6e96c02798
2012-11-17 15:26
- 0.00G Eligius 208334 00000000000003b7534640445577cca947ed45f128f7d9c9e9dc0c8d400d8f3c
2012-11-17 04:52
- 0.00G Eligius 208277 0000000000000118ba49fa7fd477cae91a623dd672b8ebc994d21301eb41b32a
2012-11-14 07:45
- 0.00G Eligius 207868 00000000000004b6ffaa8a10f815571467942f7b3531598e4cf3b94f8014d4dd
2012-11-10 05:38
- 0.00G Eligius 207287 00000000000001580487df3de2e017fb154bc9bbfbf67b3ca8abd50310c8eec3
2012-11-08 01:11
- 0.00G Eligius 206959 000000000000043da6566c7869fb2ff4a08b89fac7f2208e0f739be344e848d7
2012-11-06 03:13
- 0.00G Eligius 206681 000000000000001ed7fecd968c33030f44a6da13fca054a4e8b2e83d3fad8709
2012-11-04 22:08
- 0.00G Eligius 206485 000000000000025fd8c7f8447168e209ba93c6c42e2a422c57a105b92c450de8
2012-11-03 21:38
- 0.00G Eligius 206329 00000000000004d99a1aa84ff84cf0bdbe21f4cf151c5a702c92573793e675f2
2012-11-03 12:52
- 0.00G Eligius 206265 00000000000004a6b03a16c22275852c76d2fb81659c70e7c108aaee6257737e
2012-11-02 12:13
- 0.00G Eligius 206126 000000000000019ef7ccd1b0f85b7f5bf2f60ec8ee50ef3156268534006cdbe6
2012-11-02 06:35
- 0.00G Eligius 206092 00000000000004e9f20465fb653780d6408805e462512108613b191dc34803fc
2012-10-30 09:34
- 0.00G Eligius 205685 00000000000000c1dc82ebf3e5f3829d3247fd03471612f2a4e0f234b75a660d
2012-10-27 15:23
- 0.00G Eligius 205253 00000000000003e2e1e95c3063723350d02fa8959306908138b281790ff22d2b
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
47 hours
Share Log Window