OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2015-06-09 02:13
- 47.59G Eligius 360080 000000000000000016711e4c795e323dad4794944e6935f379c2f16d096254eb
2015-06-09 00:04
- 47.59G Eligius 360068 0000000000000000060b0ffe6595c3ec3f611586959aedf170d940c7db85618a
2015-06-08 18:50
- 47.59G Eligius 360028 000000000000000006b401913617fcac093e9c5f8b0adaac38f6e9112b85f710
2015-06-08 10:09
- 47.59G Eligius 359973 0000000000000000007da6a6c9240b259caf6790e51dbf6fe357dc023ee9320a
2015-06-08 09:52
- 47.59G Eligius 359969 000000000000000002eba7aac734b8c95cef8ad8f824fd5eafad99dcc9ac5223
2015-06-07 14:43
- 47.59G Eligius 359859 000000000000000008c7e036e5d2f0697ffab478c6cc0b6afe612c7c80407b3d
2015-06-07 14:41
- 47.59G Eligius 359856 00000000000000000695c65fd7c28810dd1709bf1c9f0a3ce59c8d9dc8421dea
2015-06-07 13:49
- 47.59G Eligius 359851 00000000000000000534fec29e6b06efa7c0683a7d2cfe91e66fbd194a915feb
2015-06-07 13:08
- 47.59G Eligius 359847 00000000000000000c69eaedfa6b08206dc3aa0a5a0101cf34ae9547b54697ba
2015-06-07 12:20
- 47.59G Eligius 359844 00000000000000000518227f1794acee2cc2fb9cea788c3b52531810042c5f0f
2015-06-07 09:17
- 47.59G Eligius 359829 000000000000000012ae2d2f432626c7032d70bd23e3575fd67e6dc8f2f780a1
2015-06-06 22:04
- 47.59G Eligius 359750 0000000000000000042b8af1fad23dc26a4900d46eb1650099e45ef508d9ef6f
2015-06-06 12:01
- 47.59G Eligius 359666 000000000000000008d590b12455558154b64305ba372c54a689c36b4529bd35
2015-06-06 04:57
- 47.59G Eligius 359627 0000000000000000046f1ee057c3bc770c27c2fad91ce212450e57c761a46e2f
2015-06-05 20:29
- 47.59G Eligius 359570 000000000000000011a1e45cb6fd5f8320e455d7828c79767985cb1458d89501
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
Share Log Window