HASHRATE: 501.3 Ph/s LAST BLOCK: 853220 (5D AGO)

501.3 Ph/s • BLOCK: 5D AGO

Ex. bitcoinaddress.workername
Shares In Reward Window
Estimated Rewards In Window
Estimated earnings for all your shares currently in the share log, not including share of transaction fees
0.06112565 BTC
Estimated Earnings Next Block
Estimated earnings if a block is found right now, including share of transaction fees
0.00774145 BTC
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Hashrate Average
Time Hashrate Average Accepted Shares
24 hrs 237.3 Th/s 4.77G
3 hrs 234.4 Th/s 589.30M
10 min 255.2 Th/s 35.65M
5 min 229.9 Th/s 16.06M
60 sec 197.0 Th/s 2.75M
Latest Earnings
Block Share Log % Earnings Pool Fees
00000000000000000002325d5ffbac202f8644a00c92d47da576f5d5b0e934b4 0.24% 0.00770383 BTC 0.00000000 BTC
00000000000000000000ac5129b2bc59811723deef4984bb0bb84c13f6c424fd 0.25% 0.00804829 BTC 0.00000000 BTC
00000000000000000002d210780b4e3ac23d46a52440dee1b184a1e842fed1a4 0.32% 0.01012662 BTC 0.00000000 BTC
000000000000000000008d75700ac09bb250cc8fb6ff402200e92cc0a4536abb 0.35% 0.01118733 BTC 0.00000000 BTC
00000000000000000001639aaa4ee920ef21094e57e931dca2dcdf5a8f9fffaa 0.36% 0.01161577 BTC 0.00000000 BTC
Individual miners related to your bitcoin address
Nickname Nickname Status Status Last Share Last Share Hashrate (60s) Hashrate (3hr) Hashrate (3hr) Earnings Earnings
2024-07-27 07:06
197.0 Th/s 234.4 Th/s 2.00760432 BTC
2024-07-27 07:06
197.0 Th/s 234.4 Th/s 2.00760432 BTC
Latest Payouts

Additional Info

Share Log %
Estimated Earnings Per Day
Estimated earnings per day, not including share of transaction fees, at your 3-hour hashrate
0.00017956 BTC
Lifetime Earnings
2.00760432 BTC
Unpaid Earnings
Earnings below threshold pending payment
0.00770383 BTC
Estimated Payout Next Block
Estimated payout if a block is found right now
0.01544528 BTC
Estimated Time Until Minimum Payout
Time at 3-hour hashrate until earnings exceed payout threshold
Next block