OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-12-02 09:22
- 40.30G Eligius 332557 000000000000000005469412d2bcb6d441744d4f26ff0287e4d036f67bfde118
2014-12-02 06:49
- 40.30G Eligius 332540 00000000000000000e58ababef72dddce65a4b81edd93c13041b7e76cc69ce29
2014-12-02 06:24
- 40.30G Eligius 332536 000000000000000011455ad9130beb571237ef3218b591356cd5ea4d6f7cb1d9
2014-12-02 03:26
- 40.30G Eligius 332519 00000000000000000e7a048d46fae840a800ae6395b021f6fe933d1b19a4850e
2014-12-02 01:12
- 40.30G Eligius 332498 000000000000000005b84dff9142a169be1d3698c362fd8b511d47f0a40182bc
2014-12-02 00:44
- 40.30G Eligius 332495 00000000000000000400a6826f03fbc7456b0d01174bfcca3f43f44229c3f8e6
2014-12-01 20:18
- 40.30G Eligius 332477 00000000000000000cb31a34a88075f87a85f94ce02b2671b1adc722cb959264
2014-12-01 15:48
- 40.30G Eligius 332450 0000000000000000114774ef6daf93b7902b61b4579517b6c810b137ab210085
2014-12-01 13:57
- 40.30G Eligius 332443 00000000000000001817ef078a37b148640d5b9eb8e50dfaa57d7947d30bd761
2014-12-01 08:52
- 40.30G Eligius 332421 000000000000000002ac0d1fff6c590bd01aaa6b8abb15dd80e3072faa7cef9c
2014-12-01 01:57
- 40.30G Eligius 332377 00000000000000000aa4df9ee3069f960e10c2ce3104bc47d68c3cee09104992
2014-11-30 22:36
- 40.30G Eligius 332352 00000000000000000070ce9ba8567d42323915f233825a28758b7217d3402b4c
2014-11-30 11:36
- 40.30G Eligius 332279 00000000000000000cde865478d9e76ddfc244fb661e8d9b2b50624c259bd136
2014-11-30 06:43
- 40.30G Eligius 332252 00000000000000000575efdb7ae7572c4acfbfeba38bb5af6c782c4f39223b63
2014-11-30 06:22
- 40.30G Eligius 332251 000000000000000009dd023287240f2dfa2a2600aec5e51ec86ad2c383487aa0
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
Share Log Window