OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-11-18 09:44
- 39.60G Eligius 330555 0000000000000000035c18067ffdb445edf2f94973ce5e2dc4d34dbb5085104e
2014-11-18 08:55
- 39.60G Eligius 330543 00000000000000000b189b34dd8f2ecbc3a804089a57cd8edfe0e1670487065e
2014-11-18 02:40
- 39.60G Eligius 330505 000000000000000012a2dfae1492ab833a2fb6e3be532f28971510aff4e84ba7
2014-11-18 01:55
- 39.60G Eligius 330498 0000000000000000192e6066b98c0cdc7f1d91689e71c290c3e98f2049ca5c7e
2014-11-18 00:02
- 39.60G Eligius 330485 000000000000000016ae5f443314da5818dad541884e1fb8c9dc311992a51842
2014-11-17 23:18
- 39.60G Eligius 330483 00000000000000001643ff9874ecf349a952e0a3a749ee861f577a041787b719
2014-11-17 19:14
- 39.60G Eligius 330463 000000000000000004e4072af73e902d7a76aa298bc9c482d6a01d840cbd1cba
2014-11-17 10:13
- 39.60G Eligius 330402 00000000000000000f35ea2188ba71b7364a8c78cd49506b723e97e8f8ec19b7
2014-11-16 22:55
- 39.60G Eligius 330334 000000000000000019324d32d9dfcf29cc4a9e0002c667f9ee68c7c4db050ab0
2014-11-16 13:49
- 39.60G Eligius 330274 00000000000000001849ed57a441be19c1af62c857d2363465e9194f5cb24399
2014-11-16 05:35
- 39.60G Eligius 330228 00000000000000000df7521f767756c18666ebc8471d3acbad48f63b04665448
2014-11-16 02:49
- 39.60G Eligius 330211 0000000000000000097e39b8a0c3427d09c629f2dc22f004bc8968e0337c612a
2014-11-16 02:05
- 39.60G Eligius 330207 0000000000000000179016db206dfed4edb2642e187a035d894c5c0c441412b4
2014-11-15 20:07
- 39.60G Eligius 330172 000000000000000019f1390aaf799358ec14435728f7331a3392211a22531511
2014-11-15 19:34
- 39.60G Eligius 330167 000000000000000002cedd3fd118aad2958c759580f95eddc0c495e741464109
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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