OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-11-02 14:47
- 35.99G Eligius 328206 0000000000000000102de2830535daf6fa00455e6ecfa74f33c3239d19d6472f
2014-11-02 11:55
- 35.99G Eligius 328179 00000000000000000d102d0f7267aabc94f2ee9da0d8027ba2b29863ec12179e
2014-11-02 11:42
- 35.99G Eligius 328176 0000000000000000125e77b91ccd1a63b5dddd5be044d9964f907e102932f1a2
2014-11-02 07:51
- 35.99G Eligius 328145 00000000000000000133766015ef29f4d9932f66bf583a40da67b5ec1af5e8b5
2014-11-02 07:49
- 35.99G Eligius 328144 00000000000000000c5c24119b493b4a0e8aef32af7213197d992ad580f87c49
2014-11-02 06:55
- 35.99G Eligius 328140 00000000000000001460b7ac50b46de06b7279d253112fc0516438f958e13b4c
2014-11-02 05:12
- 35.99G Eligius 328134 000000000000000008686fbd90f102d0485dfc988155bce6868e7ad9ca1a95f7
2014-11-02 05:01
- 35.99G Eligius 328132 000000000000000002fe333b196d422210ec74d20a303772f5c51c57faec4fcd
2014-11-01 22:44
- 35.99G Eligius 328092 000000000000000017f714b4e50524b2c69cdbf3e34f660dcb6dc848f613ae15
2014-11-01 22:22
- 35.99G Eligius 328089 0000000000000000097d9c6e23f63500914a1e4e8d5c41cc573bb98482057cce
2014-11-01 17:05
- 35.99G Eligius 328048 00000000000000001378d063a524029af9acc9eea79cca337c9ff631fe00160b
2014-11-01 15:34
- 35.99G Eligius 328039 000000000000000013cda38a1c380acabf742bdc9c209836128150f0f43a7590
2014-11-01 09:14
- 35.99G Eligius 327994 000000000000000014d3b720c1332c12b565e62cc74204ef10162de4840f0df1
2014-11-01 05:35
- 35.99G Eligius 327969 00000000000000000e87fb4d5021505322d06dc5f2d7712d7de9ff1828a8f8d4
2014-11-01 04:38
- 35.99G Eligius 327963 000000000000000016050090f9f1bc6b235e284152082eb896096a55f9c9caa2
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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