OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-10-30 00:31
- 35.99G Eligius 327583 000000000000000008b49cd878db5b84a84c7a32a868b647d761c208ded9ae87
2014-10-29 23:07
- 35.99G Eligius 327572 00000000000000001436acaf9ec5cee659d1c71472dd63ba8411a7299f56ccce
2014-10-29 22:35
- 35.99G Eligius 327567 00000000000000000a18e90e7f70e213063bd2fab7be6d8f74f54cc33d9a40e4
2014-10-29 20:29
- 35.99G Eligius 327554 000000000000000007ffadc5d9f16bed2df27371949b15a89294da84c527a2ec
2014-10-29 19:36
- 35.99G Eligius 327546 000000000000000013e69fee736540b83daa8cd00afad1005ee346854a76e0c7
2014-10-29 19:35
- 35.99G Eligius 327545 0000000000000000025c9688489e2f6fc41f0ec2438bfae7192e1af3a151fd8f
2014-10-29 19:25
- 35.99G Eligius 327543 000000000000000002ddb2ff8a768da2b22500dd37b0eea921b8483e5cb255e0
2014-10-29 14:31
- 35.99G Eligius 327514 00000000000000001a9e2b3e473988c11ee14ccf1c8610b4285b287aa89558b7
2014-10-29 14:01
- 35.99G Eligius 327510 00000000000000000fbcbc7598c9d610c0c6420810ea67dae24c7c271c9be670
2014-10-29 09:53
- 35.99G Eligius 327487 000000000000000013dc35c31502b9b99ec3882f2d51974108236af50c680e87
2014-10-29 03:47
- 35.99G Eligius 327448 00000000000000001b0dbb0f7cc0840b9abedc0942861c994615568286d5e001
2014-10-29 02:29
- 35.99G Eligius 327435 000000000000000002c2a549377356869925dba31c68392a3f5bf1298614e3ad
2014-10-28 15:19
- 35.99G Eligius 327370 0000000000000000059013e5966fc7c5a5db48446a9f428984670183d42c0f0c
2014-10-28 15:17
- 35.99G Eligius 327369 0000000000000000064715c1706f1ece5d2798b0c757fdb2cdca928f92dc01e8
2014-10-28 12:26
- 35.99G Eligius 327355 000000000000000018b28eb2dcb8c13514c055a208643634f391a9bccd3c3e1b
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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