OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-10-15 03:51
- 35.00G Eligius 325378 000000000000000018904ecf0668fad9aca8ef94c2c6a81c0edbbe33fd804030
2014-10-15 01:30
- 35.00G Eligius 325361 000000000000000011aea840caeadf9774d5243251beecff73ccbcbed62779fe
2014-10-14 21:02
- 35.00G Eligius 325339 00000000000000000bd44cca7ca384eec6012680cc2d546e8b5a9e3eaeecbeac
2014-10-14 18:01
- 35.00G Eligius 325319 000000000000000019c513391c2f4975fec60a92a09704ed4afcd86a10b3dae2
2014-10-14 09:09
- 35.00G Eligius 325264 00000000000000001e875934269a7400bbbffe40b5f35f04dff7ad5192eca9dd
2014-10-14 06:15
- 35.00G Eligius 325248 000000000000000010635557dde507ec1f732182d982646de1d41892cce84627
2014-10-14 05:34
- 35.00G Eligius 325243 00000000000000000db5182f954a17d4db880dcd33742d0f83b51aa36c0349bf
2014-10-13 12:05
- 35.00G Eligius 325142 000000000000000001465db35c67a2c2bfdbf0f0fab8b74e8534dab283f9176f
2014-10-13 11:55
- 35.00G Eligius 325140 000000000000000016fd8cbb894320f1ebf62349249525af50e460d813162af6
2014-10-13 10:12
- 35.00G Eligius 325120 0000000000000000197a4723f65a3e10f84ad8ada18e61c82b7ebf110b450589
2014-10-13 08:34
- 35.00G Eligius 325114 00000000000000000ebdc900a083478a64ec247a05fd043704ff55c5a484566b
2014-10-13 04:09
- 35.00G Eligius 325088 00000000000000000f52bfac6e4fae48f6202dc4a81e311c248e83009a7679e2
2014-10-13 01:01
- 35.00G Eligius 325067 0000000000000000195c5670bc31af1ab0d21a3d19063b5ea544b188498bfde9
2014-10-12 23:00
- 35.00G Eligius 325061 00000000000000000ce8383768b6c7a2da3165b3c07a11d2b66fdac453d68c9b
2014-10-12 17:54
- 35.00G Eligius 325027 000000000000000015353f5faf0ab6380b96b6faed338aad2bf87886c543a068
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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