OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-10-12 13:12
- 35.00G Eligius 325000 00000000000000000409695bce21828b31a7143fa35fcab64670dd337a71425d
2014-10-12 12:38
- 35.00G Eligius 324995 0000000000000000139358fd5104cd38b1e178aa57b981cbe7ec5b3b9d99e809
2014-10-12 10:01
- 35.00G Eligius 324974 00000000000000000c7f01630bc1e98e56051aec9dabd5e2089bc2e394e8c28c
2014-10-12 08:22
- 35.00G Eligius 324964 00000000000000001042bd080f8e877aa4b6e5d5648b60b82b0e25e8729a4477
2014-10-11 22:51
- 35.00G Eligius 324908 000000000000000005c33fb8aa640080fcd54382db8091b4febce3ccb903ea68
2014-10-11 21:04
- 35.00G Eligius 324896 000000000000000007800e7d0f964dfef6ce2434410d4b358fe166c709e6aff9
2014-10-11 14:31
- 35.00G Eligius 324859 000000000000000009e2bf4621d87d730adf6a975688f854ba39d60cdd763271
2014-10-11 10:06
- 35.00G Eligius 324833 00000000000000001b1e645b0942f02ed7c6bbee1441b2f4907fc394a62aac17
2014-10-11 08:20
- 35.00G Eligius 324827 0000000000000000015fa7bcf87f4585177dff2ddb61dd4ce9f5bbdab3edbf6b
2014-10-11 06:10
- 35.00G Eligius 324815 00000000000000001012e9ce7476fd3e023c890b841307693e9a852bf541cb0c
2014-10-11 02:41
- 35.00G Eligius 324793 0000000000000000088f656d00ce9dc6963eda0d70c8bf17697e30831baaf6a5
2014-10-11 00:32
- 35.00G Eligius 324778 00000000000000001f0612d139415eaad2d5c42e72600d2b882631b122d3d886
2014-10-11 00:13
- 35.00G Eligius 324776 0000000000000000063d6ec1c294fc6ca84e994aa59eda3c5259faee98777ed0
2014-10-10 19:35
- 35.00G Eligius 324746 0000000000000000070a654e4addcdabb7bb0db94e8214fc9e774eda8302f06c
2014-10-10 18:06
- 35.00G Eligius 324736 00000000000000000f91942e78b7f529d3e06d619b3ff2d5801daa51c8d0b27e
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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