OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-09-01 12:55
- 27.43G Eligius 318606 000000000000000009879ea291c1644e88cc0cbe7e3052e54d64164560fba584
2014-09-01 12:11
- 27.43G Eligius 318598 00000000000000002049ef7240536e5eb1da9cdecc5091b98ad2fdd2d3863af2
2014-08-31 22:20
- 23.84G Eligius 318515 000000000000000025c073bd94483c81318a1845563b000e04fbdf0c763cee30
2014-08-31 17:41
- 23.84G Eligius 318479 000000000000000025d66ac5402a7e7a4c9581381a3002a853faecbc39acc9ae
2014-08-31 03:02
- 23.84G Eligius 318367 00000000000000001de2f761b1c4d82867be41a2277ecd97e9be1ee0d752adf1
2014-08-31 02:27
- 23.84G Eligius 318361 00000000000000000412ac8afe9b60b5ada1bc58d5613a5d15fdf60f1725d5ed
2014-08-31 01:59
- 23.84G Eligius 318353 00000000000000002956826d6bb5fb58d4580cc8e2a0946b82353f4f14e148ca
2014-08-30 23:37
- 23.84G Eligius 318336 00000000000000000afef16b109d4a1d8a6a661a178ab34236d9b46e0eed6320
2014-08-30 21:16
- 23.84G Eligius 318319 00000000000000001cc9d68c8313370b68e83314f2366cc2f527fc8641c410cb
2014-08-30 18:50
- 23.84G Eligius 318297 000000000000000028826f7111fe18b7c0cd307244091558f6f27ea93e158fb0
2014-08-30 16:09
- 23.84G Eligius 318272 0000000000000000091b1ad3f4fa7daef2506490d1b98b0ed90a8a07a9e5df4a
2014-08-30 12:10
- 23.84G Eligius 318243 00000000000000001a7f612ed43f90cb066c8c99e231b5ff95cf111d0b5d11a9
2014-08-30 04:46
- 23.84G Eligius 318192 00000000000000000069ed073ac2e677abebd4933a08651886081faa1c7f08a6
2014-08-30 03:17
- 23.84G Eligius 318188 000000000000000017b5545fc6f80b21258a75351182531dd0250075b0d1ff6c
2014-08-30 02:35
- 23.84G Eligius 318181 00000000000000000da53a9830c6c271987591f11a04172a91fd5b47d9275130
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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