OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-08-28 09:59
- 23.84G Eligius 317890 00000000000000000caaf2cd0cc77b6a3868de9605865e0a34cfe98175889797
2014-08-28 06:17
- 23.84G Eligius 317861 000000000000000014938556c2758fa11798dca9c61d60c6c7f7d6b5cd17f95e
2014-08-27 23:08
- 23.84G Eligius 317809 000000000000000026368964d045ae63a8d9192650ec7283b0e9e929d9b0baf0
2014-08-27 22:00
- 23.84G Eligius 317799 00000000000000001959d465e214404f704f1430fd9bdc1bc3f8ffd99b84e8d6
2014-08-27 18:59
- 23.84G Eligius 317776 00000000000000001c07b0e93a0442c8912823d8e6710aeaa70a82fc2dc49f0c
2014-08-27 18:44
- 23.84G Eligius 317773 00000000000000000e6a0039de0536afb26acdb3a1c927ed5df2a78a3c679f7d
2014-08-27 15:34
- 23.84G Eligius 317750 00000000000000001b7540a7a95423af6febbc8721e8fb1740e4a6fd42466bae
2014-08-27 15:00
- 23.84G Eligius 317747 00000000000000001b929b6c86041a2f445c0ae2b73f893ac124c84c24687e4d
2014-08-27 11:07
- 23.84G Eligius 317722 00000000000000001066a99f4ab0388c612518ebcc9a2c9637e86815e0b04c14
2014-08-27 09:12
- 23.84G Eligius 317706 000000000000000002b23042480277708495706caad863c76d14eda3e71585c9
2014-08-27 04:31
- 23.84G Eligius 317683 0000000000000000209c1d505629a3580c2e88f71d23b1c8a20d3842012cbcdb
2014-08-27 04:10
- 23.84G Eligius 317680 00000000000000001aae869945964e69567486edd8b483b69bc2851ddadeb93f
2014-08-27 04:04
- 23.84G Eligius 317678 0000000000000000038f49a4bd35d504ebc908869befdcbcccaa302dc56d719e
2014-08-27 03:08
- 23.84G Eligius 317668 000000000000000019195365b202f4061866e173e9a14f577011102ab5dfb594
2014-08-26 21:42
- 23.84G Eligius 317638 000000000000000021d013528789b1928a9a6f0fcf05b1e0ab4b0d690c13a30d
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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