OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-07-14 00:36
- 17.34G Eligius 310634 000000000000000020fc0b2aa74d0e16871fb631601ef9eb998200374bcc144e
2014-07-13 17:18
- 17.34G Eligius 310582 00000000000000003d412636ef20b308d2a1c00a9d7c63d22760445de888fe1c
2014-07-13 12:21
- 17.34G Eligius 310556 000000000000000008d0cfc8cff735326a660282142b387b0ac36c09594a2b1c
2014-07-13 11:08
- 17.34G Eligius 310544 00000000000000001110e1acd87f41cd7e4e775416007e7e9133d7c39beb22a6
2014-07-13 10:14
- 17.34G Eligius 310538 000000000000000009527f28741a0306116a188a4a6b3a70a21bc9157fe476e9
2014-07-13 08:56
- 17.34G Eligius 310527 000000000000000012210910525519b68572c5ce0f19bac0d6ab5a156829f5a1
2014-07-13 06:10
- 17.34G Eligius 310509 0000000000000000196eae2e51aa54c0a375ae5a2270c2a7ffe11e0451892381
2014-07-13 02:35
- 17.34G Eligius 310485 0000000000000000387c02b1745160e7ed93052b7755be1ed75c5512b67d92fb
2014-07-13 01:51
- 17.34G Eligius 310481 00000000000000003b5a3bd6d95242d6bd96f4e0659ced99e6bc8412c97cca28
2014-07-13 00:59
- 17.34G Eligius 310474 00000000000000002cdaea1a9f3ea5a930138c2f64c2e93c156f258a3b2b18ed
2014-07-12 21:06
- 16.82G Eligius 310456 0000000000000000211e787b1e42bddd46ca71b9a70a35bb33820e5a2ac7f208
2014-07-12 16:53
- 16.82G Eligius 310430 00000000000000003fd2b89cdd6698a385282b3c66b9810baf19414c216128ba
2014-07-12 11:48
- 16.82G Eligius 310391 00000000000000002aa9ba4b302b0119eb96b57753d122444b21e1f6471a0909
2014-07-12 10:29
- 16.82G Eligius 310378 000000000000000020fb0ea1541a1314a47984043f35e4ca498d4ba4925ea9f5
2014-07-12 09:36
- 16.82G Eligius 310374 000000000000000021d5adfd804c016353c1bd500427c42975a96b647d513e81
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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