OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-06-27 14:25
- 13.46G Eligius 308117 000000000000000008183a358c28357b2de262197a4cf35dbe95a62793d855b4
2014-06-27 14:15
- 13.46G Eligius 308115 000000000000000005837ccd858a8d6bfa095a06d1af23eedc379d51ade60d2c
2014-06-27 13:49
- 13.46G Eligius 308111 00000000000000004c75fbeeae07617c945ce75ac1e1fb393e59ce4fba082e2f
2014-06-27 07:48
- 13.46G Eligius 308075 000000000000000043c9d074f622b8a9ff3031f30c4954ebbc501d6ec1eff29f
2014-06-27 01:18
- 13.46G Eligius 308017 0000000000000000297cbd4da7560787266d270215be33e9294fdc2d9caffa05
2014-06-27 00:26
- 13.46G Eligius 308007 000000000000000049b41e110ea6d34e43ebb0803c595a7821b1e4a67038c4ea
2014-06-27 00:06
- 13.46G Eligius 308005 00000000000000001c2d242a9e399308adf7bd57b7fcb11f3a6c006586778724
2014-06-26 23:49
- 13.46G Eligius 308003 00000000000000001f025063fda2db74736a4fddb3eeafe55af3d8a0f20b74f0
2014-06-26 22:38
- 13.46G Eligius 307992 000000000000000050c7662e6d05759d41bbc880078737a7ebd84d3445023b4a
2014-06-26 18:30
- 13.46G Eligius 307965 00000000000000004d751a8d72e429c59647306e78e35848134d55809cc9e121
2014-06-26 18:29
- 13.46G Eligius 307964 00000000000000002fb5de7692b6f2ae4606d19ff2c59306fb3454f1b61d6901
2014-06-26 17:10
- 13.46G Eligius 307954 000000000000000022ee7c1b6058afe8c2d7f50f369b7ebb0bd4baff9f81013f
2014-06-26 13:35
- 13.46G Eligius 307928 00000000000000001c85236a5d4ebcf1120518c1488e85fb82bc02165a2a64b2
2014-06-26 10:12
- 13.46G Eligius 307910 00000000000000000551583f6983844bba85fc7966879851370eb2cbdc6bbf92
2014-06-26 06:23
- 13.46G Eligius 307878 0000000000000000306db60beef858453230295600e85b3a83996f22180be39c
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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