OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-06-25 18:32
- 13.46G Eligius 307795 00000000000000004d9d0e4265fde43d0963ec6872185703bce3aa7834354beb
2014-06-25 17:47
- 13.46G Eligius 307790 00000000000000003e263152ac6104a18b5735e0fbc1484986ee743a86295512
2014-06-25 16:15
- 13.46G Eligius 307775 00000000000000000e75bd744f4590132e9c3c838ce816e3d70fe977dadf13c1
2014-06-25 14:33
- 13.46G Eligius 307763 000000000000000040e25f7d2f275f49d1b591f0d6e3ff91c2630c752ffefa0a
2014-06-25 14:06
- 13.46G Eligius 307757 000000000000000000d745e96f5df09916856560ccf607235f1a0394490038c4
2014-06-25 12:27
- 13.46G Eligius 307745 000000000000000046113196f88de76f5213674c0e75d77f86ff5d6afa80bd03
2014-06-25 10:52
- 13.46G Eligius 307736 0000000000000000314c8441803c1039f33307ac680c42654581776cf6d78cfc
2014-06-25 10:21
- 13.46G Eligius 307733 00000000000000004b906b6da2623973ebd75b400ad391e23c13ecd7914cdef2
2014-06-25 08:09
- 13.46G Eligius 307716 00000000000000004694db3af22900b34b7101a3286ae8cf10fc62845c1aaf9f
2014-06-25 07:13
- 13.46G Eligius 307708 000000000000000004b3e76736d10a0e0ef60aba9c776f11b8210aa70006dd29
2014-06-25 04:50
- 13.46G Eligius 307691 0000000000000000198b93e1eb7591e9106bbd5bd0a26ec980c29af86b254771
2014-06-25 04:45
- 13.46G Eligius 307689 000000000000000028a585862ef32cc7f02c4cdf0827a8b392b1e795b3a820e3
2014-06-25 02:05
- 13.46G Eligius 307662 000000000000000012e6f9ea1d05675c6caf8a84d0549d4f2eaa222790b49805
2014-06-25 01:57
- 13.46G Eligius 307661 000000000000000017148a14812fd30825e29051b7d80c1656946c4dcf756f1c
2014-06-24 20:29
- 13.46G Eligius 307619 00000000000000000425ea7a35a713dc6b00f8d4687e786cdbbf92ae617b16dc
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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