OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-06-12 02:31
- 11.76G Eligius 305349 000000000000000000acc8ceff403645b2ead64358fe6b5b52a92f27f0d7d658
2014-06-12 01:10
- 11.76G Eligius 305341 0000000000000000214b0308944bca666320de21beba6b5fcaa1cd7a56506d7b
2014-06-12 00:51
- 11.76G Eligius 305335 00000000000000005cc1b26ab115d19cdbbb4e45ca6ff559f57112f9d97f772e
2014-06-11 20:17
- 11.76G Eligius 305308 00000000000000005bddb80e68efb0f18f8fafd097d279d9cf3d8e42474077bb
2014-06-11 14:59
- 11.76G Eligius 305275 0000000000000000109c958b0b95f11a8c640d611d9612a6af3a5b23346c7838
2014-06-11 14:37
- 11.76G Eligius 305272 00000000000000000eef895b880e918abf24770a171896cb3eac6b88cd868534
2014-06-11 14:25
- 11.76G Eligius 305270 00000000000000004efd252ac3125564559ea6c9d32d2a244798d8017c519303
2014-06-11 11:29
- 11.76G Eligius 305250 000000000000000040e77a9659cd87d8880702921f733dc6cc832c848d3b92eb
2014-06-11 09:39
- 11.76G Eligius 305232 000000000000000005a220bf9bc0e2637b1b665ecb1eb6957587bd4715df5840
2014-06-11 08:42
- 11.76G Eligius 305227 000000000000000046c0a45719626ad86fded169279eb9dc740ea48f38c05a36
2014-06-11 04:58
- 11.76G Eligius 305204 00000000000000004555683451a6dac4f9072a1075a21ac26e1ef7bd674338a5
2014-06-11 02:48
- 11.76G Eligius 305194 000000000000000019fbd7fa231e0ee485244afbbdf54c8e89de80f5d5c786bc
2014-06-11 02:41
- 11.76G Eligius 305193 000000000000000010c245ea8afcf0a512df43588331b5bc884b46ed43673e67
2014-06-10 22:50
- 11.76G Eligius 305178 00000000000000003e9265ac6fbb8f08cdbcf3113508c6170bf41e2e4162edb3
2014-06-10 22:38
- 11.76G Eligius 305177 000000000000000002c7dece6a6fc0c128ad2210e671efa1375574ae2b980b47
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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