OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-04-26 16:32
- 6.98G Eligius 297829 0000000000000000035c1abc0fdda5af88b520bbb15960c493acc80492589255
2014-04-26 16:21
- 6.98G Eligius 297828 00000000000000006fef57d2a26d4e8598c958d9925711d7dc9b4a89e40c3e16
2014-04-26 14:44
- 6.98G Eligius 297819 00000000000000000699a7e6e81c93b0fe8490774f867e987b07e87a8137aff1
2014-04-26 14:28
- 6.98G Eligius 297816 000000000000000087af5df9f68a649684571404e99a5c1794546ac62dedc2ec
2014-04-26 13:28
- 6.98G Eligius 297809 0000000000000000455771b23d09d2466926351e0087aeba6e3b11bb9c2db035
2014-04-26 12:58
- 6.98G Eligius 297806 000000000000000025b64306a414646e02f5e49da59c8b15cdab75459b5bce5f
2014-04-26 08:17
- 6.98G Eligius 297775 00000000000000008205dfa0bef686a2cefe24a1fe138a350215123bc5b20136
2014-04-26 05:15
- 6.98G Eligius 297754 00000000000000005fa66d8e5534d1f6fde645623514a19fd27c1378533455c5
2014-04-26 03:26
- 6.98G Eligius 297738 00000000000000004a5a3a716ffe52cb567a483aa363bd18b1472e5ca3878885
2014-04-26 02:07
- 6.98G Eligius 297729 00000000000000003d464cf3707eeced1e4b06bcdcf22dda25e3b4a178e23b66
2014-04-26 01:12
- 6.98G Eligius 297719 0000000000000000556c96b7bffe473ccf6e802a21163058d85d3cef8e962475
2014-04-26 00:07
- 6.98G Eligius 297714 0000000000000000656cc56eb6ee0eff90b0c5e5424bf340eda9d53cecf1712f
2014-04-25 23:49
- 6.98G Eligius 297712 00000000000000005410f680de621b1bc1e3e3d00b2fff84ec73c071cc46e114
2014-04-25 23:14
- 6.98G Eligius 297707 000000000000000081b27388f4bc9c12e023749df72d5ec705fe060c295d4cfb
2014-04-25 22:09
- 6.98G Eligius 297698 000000000000000017f288a0b07e8bbffb39ef1434d97add1b71ac739d0e7fa5
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
36 hours
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