OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-04-25 21:33
- 6.98G Eligius 297689 0000000000000000561251bd9bde7771d8528d39f18fa6a3851bf7a0768ebba1
2014-04-25 21:09
- 6.98G Eligius 297685 00000000000000003ad933b9c7f5f8c652c1cd84caefa159f6338426e21601b2
2014-04-25 20:39
- 6.98G Eligius 297677 00000000000000003c689083c087d3060accec5cef465275536157b5aaf55e4e
2014-04-25 20:18
- 6.98G Eligius 297675 000000000000000002f7fac67d6f175308bf06cb1be340cbacdfb6bf604e5dd7
2014-04-25 15:07
- 6.98G Eligius 297647 00000000000000001ec70cb39bd9485030efe1a6c50d66228d456ab7192fa469
2014-04-25 14:29
- 6.98G Eligius 297642 000000000000000038c4c0e695266c80b7c4bea8cf9fe75b93242fb38eec8a32
2014-04-25 13:07
- 6.98G Eligius 297631 000000000000000051e8d64d21cc72686df0844c4c19e77608e562358931e8f2
2014-04-25 11:20
- 6.98G Eligius 297621 000000000000000028202aaa6041591136f04bb107faf6179b684041e40a7b7a
2014-04-25 09:31
- 6.98G Eligius 297610 000000000000000053ce25617adb2c50dd54fd80b4cc9c41ca5a07c0d6f118ad
2014-04-25 02:48
- 6.98G Eligius 297555 000000000000000011eb257e31a9f4b4e9a219ac53740cf1b8387eb4fe03bcba
2014-04-25 01:31
- 6.98G Eligius 297550 00000000000000002b0a37152d68e6919bc61d8c4aaf4bef4904042fe7ba92d1
2014-04-25 00:57
- 6.98G Eligius 297542 000000000000000023b64b2b7bcaec0861807d0a2cbf9342303f849c40a643b8
2014-04-25 00:15
- 6.98G Eligius 297535 00000000000000002bf8dba15de74cd78a65296e03ae12dc286462c152ae7b33
2014-04-25 00:13
- 6.98G Eligius 297534 0000000000000000237a549626294ba924e1913afb60c1802caae1772262da60
2014-04-24 19:57
- 6.98G Eligius 297508 00000000000000005bd6389e958d2a227450bad7be0c7666fd73d4a4731b1def
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
36 hours
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