OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-04-20 16:34
- 6.98G Eligius 296835 00000000000000007a50defe6ba2494162efe56ac21d023d84aa69e07fb533bf
2014-04-20 13:38
- 6.98G Eligius 296813 00000000000000009cdd00bd22aae7e12f5f15cbc1a261c9ff1ef7c059f02513
2014-04-20 11:49
- 6.98G Eligius 296798 00000000000000002ffff216a5ee3d2a4293e120ff529b55dc2f6170a9dee6fa
2014-04-20 08:48
- 6.98G Eligius 296774 00000000000000005a4e70e300c954926b89638883df0da6fa4d589a52fc3cde
2014-04-20 06:44
- 6.98G Eligius 296754 0000000000000000441266ead77c0135d4715d2d9dcb8a35474783edbd7abc7b
2014-04-20 06:21
- 6.98G Eligius 296752 00000000000000007d15fad9f42b90bbd49dfa67de077fbc55ac7d07acb826b9
2014-04-20 04:23
- 6.98G Eligius 296735 0000000000000000061c99a05d49d069fff7f0701e2db5e733c1734ff32cc2ce
2014-04-20 02:51
- 6.98G Eligius 296724 00000000000000002cc889e32e39ba772af6590fb00a120d4c747a39f66a5799
2014-04-20 02:06
- 6.98G Eligius 296721 00000000000000006525317d63ac9e63fda1814e8833dbade5a4856fc2684df5
2014-04-19 22:53
- 6.98G Eligius 296705 0000000000000000421b498258aae1712dd6635a4d1a9107b804c41d3f23eed5
2014-04-19 22:21
- 6.98G Eligius 296699 000000000000000099176a352b0e9622ef3772ff011d2c51227927744cc0e0db
2014-04-19 17:32
- 6.98G Eligius 296668 000000000000000047bb6afd5a416ce0b6ceb927ed63ae7246e07bd6930b5f80
2014-04-19 16:05
- 6.98G Eligius 296656 0000000000000000777d04f9f72dfc3230d1e17966753a2906478d74df2ae14f
2014-04-19 13:59
- 6.98G Eligius 296645 000000000000000023a9ccf52fd9be4d5ddaf7a1fffbce5ab99251962e5034a1
2014-04-19 10:05
- 6.98G Eligius 296622 00000000000000003405e7e83447e1ec770f51f0ca33f34a3223326c9e49e788
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
36 hours
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