OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-04-18 05:18
- 6.98G Eligius 296426 0000000000000000774ac44104b6caa65d4a438a6393914f2ef183c7e5e2fc40
2014-04-18 05:04
- 6.98G Eligius 296423 000000000000000058e5a06ad01f0dddf1fef95ace9f66bd7759981b8ad1a45f
2014-04-18 05:01
- 6.98G Eligius 296422 00000000000000009320f39022d37cb48de17cd194812ebd8133a64e7305a5d6
2014-04-18 04:01
- 6.98G Eligius 296414 00000000000000008644c9801fa034df5e5d40dc475deff915231f7ead88f4ec
2014-04-18 01:20
- 6.98G Eligius 296401 00000000000000009211c376c5058cae7ac5ccce48e35598c9009d78c4b3f39c
2014-04-17 16:47
- 6.12G Eligius 296348 0000000000000000178e6b84f2d9fea790076e5984c508cd122c3714adb508f3
2014-04-17 12:28
- 6.12G Eligius 296321 000000000000000077c6cd35153f716d5c2eb5509e3f87199d62672067b981c2
2014-04-17 12:14
- 6.12G Eligius 296318 000000000000000065defa3114f206b9deb6c7a64adbf1da69c34d1f34bb5ca3
2014-04-17 11:40
- 6.12G Eligius 296313 000000000000000074e55f4cf448fecbf3c369a8c8426b022918dcb99948f860
2014-04-17 10:13
- 6.12G Eligius 296302 00000000000000003960a0a373d0a4ad46dd363174e3f572e0577e1bae52a6d2
2014-04-17 09:20
- 6.12G Eligius 296293 000000000000000006d7fcb6a5aa3ffa498c33cbafb49021ced70624aacc15be
2014-04-17 08:26
- 6.12G Eligius 296287 000000000000000096aaeb6ce7aa5f3f987200e1670c3579e748ac2f38c390f4
2014-04-17 06:29
- 6.12G Eligius 296266 000000000000000045db1294b0889ac76c010c37b5adb4ae92e0278ac0b6f534
2014-04-17 03:52
- 6.12G Eligius 296249 00000000000000004805bf5ea76ef31ef3176c0b20ac51710631a568bf23fce6
2014-04-17 03:24
- 6.12G Eligius 296248 0000000000000000b11a96aaa6856fac4177d12b12caa39ca10ff5fc433a4ecd
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
36 hours
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