OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-04-13 16:23
- 6.12G Eligius 295640 00000000000000008b5062788d88cc7ef055d0a5487e32f52ba64a710feefe5e
2014-04-13 14:45
- 6.12G Eligius 295628 000000000000000055e0b4e6090db3aa88ea7adc3bb920a6a8f623da3aef2342
2014-04-13 13:01
- 6.12G Eligius 295614 00000000000000004f0f6663c621ebb8ad47633e3da7ad71aacdacd39a8f6a99
2014-04-13 07:33
- 6.12G Eligius 295571 00000000000000008c204366a48d13862da1ac1ef00e7f50da1cfa6321ba0038
2014-04-13 06:22
- 6.12G Eligius 295561 0000000000000000540694ebd27b4f3c35381eefc702384e581d1c779fce45fe
2014-04-13 04:57
- 6.12G Eligius 295543 00000000000000001faa996e9dbc3e2ef72f9e050f2ca6a540ada90a045f6bf1
2014-04-13 04:26
- 6.12G Eligius 295537 00000000000000006ec2bf227d7706b27d9792de98e9899c06a20f12ca7eee12
2014-04-13 03:06
- 6.12G Eligius 295524 000000000000000025770f6efae9a2423f35adae2be72773372e674c0fb79c5b
2014-04-13 02:56
- 6.12G Eligius 295523 00000000000000007008fb9c3ab672158a3bb8dd0cfb8a211f63441d7870928d
2014-04-13 02:05
- 6.12G Eligius 295517 0000000000000000666962d8b610c7af0d876623ffe4eb7f1e081652e96fd7a1
2014-04-12 19:21
- 6.12G Eligius 295463 00000000000000001df6431d86df7d3cd09a7383a19e2e44a1ec7251a90ba9c2
2014-04-12 17:25
- 6.12G Eligius 295452 00000000000000007b761178a8c0eca453fb7c13434c1616bd11a0f0117bc19d
2014-04-12 16:21
- 6.12G Eligius 295446 0000000000000000723359212862655ae3c832eeeaf759558f6214061914c46a
2014-04-12 15:15
- 6.12G Eligius 295438 00000000000000003f6650e72f28afcd0a12398cb9398b76ebf002ba1a8f3ab1
2014-04-12 14:57
- 6.12G Eligius 295434 00000000000000001ee90a49a6e4643fb2e5e3bca141bf09f51b9d027f879a8e
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
36 hours
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