OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-04-12 13:06
- 6.12G Eligius 295421 00000000000000006904ec9018624dc6430d18668bb787d573d768374cf7e844
2014-04-12 10:49
- 6.12G Eligius 295403 00000000000000000dc4e931ae2c013376ba1930f34afba5317a8f3288753e62
2014-04-12 10:27
- 6.12G Eligius 295398 000000000000000010eb1e3237875a57e61e1ad0a7b07dc8329e33d32a184906
2014-04-12 05:27
- 6.12G Eligius 295368 00000000000000000720737243e7f307134a4bc2eccae069ac5f684283947c64
2014-04-12 04:05
- 6.12G Eligius 295362 00000000000000001ad8a922e806bcf33be76d0641fd8c3c5a6f48cbb69111c3
2014-04-12 01:19
- 6.12G Eligius 295350 00000000000000003fc624b03d6a88c8ca98c86c708aa8a568ef4948564a290f
2014-04-11 22:46
- 6.12G Eligius 295331 00000000000000004098fa3bfc668f900dc28fa189fa1173a4af46f556b56a87
2014-04-11 19:49
- 6.12G Eligius 295309 00000000000000007fcfabe883f97facebbad9fa656ccd8a6d2a8a36da66725e
2014-04-11 15:48
- 6.12G Eligius 295280 0000000000000000953c8fde78244c5c56b76634851c4a3aa674b8c7e10244a8
2014-04-11 14:33
- 6.12G Eligius 295270 000000000000000099af0aea55c609f7dbebb0a953dafcf613aaf645298d6bb4
2014-04-11 14:19
- 6.12G Eligius 295268 000000000000000095d9fc932e8690ece9e7ce6ea3d521a2f7ace0dd6d44edc7
2014-04-11 12:33
- 6.12G Eligius 295253 00000000000000002e05d105fe371d6d5086e650722c0396bca0a7c1afd57ec1
2014-04-11 11:05
- 6.12G Eligius 295245 00000000000000001aaf1113f55deaecf4c6aa659f14d44ad66668dc0caa39dc
2014-04-11 10:57
- 6.12G Eligius 295244 000000000000000058ccd0713e047e8693b278e5ae6a2265dc5dab831e32a2a9
2014-04-11 10:56
- 6.12G Eligius 295243 000000000000000028d8ce280347b90c96ac52ffbe3ba2abc0e60b9476ded9a5
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
36 hours
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