OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-03-17 12:25
- 4.25G Eligius 291021 0000000000000000d866bc09a25ee6901534ccd83387f2ac898a40d0fa6e87e5
2014-03-17 11:21
- 4.25G Eligius 291013 0000000000000000a338faa15325f41e2d321a269bcd499ca01e79a0f1381d53
2014-03-17 10:32
- 4.25G Eligius 291005 00000000000000006d9f72f6f3d755671aa1bb6cd7ca053ec0211c4ac264d769
2014-03-17 10:22
- 4.25G Eligius 291003 00000000000000003287861388955020ca78d0477a84890eebfe938bae3b5bf7
2014-03-17 09:30
- 4.25G Eligius 290997 0000000000000000508011c7ba2b09782bd0107ce5b113276c0f950c11f00147
2014-03-17 09:14
- 4.25G Eligius 290992 0000000000000000546d75e282a16c4c2a8c1ae6890a22993a58a074d1f725ae
2014-03-17 08:43
- 4.25G Eligius 290988 0000000000000000096d56e3233dbb2b4164fa6d1707d2df8041149b4c9cdd2e
2014-03-17 08:07
- 4.25G Eligius 290983 00000000000000005237fda3c95ad21beb9e1b13b434e6fdb3570b8ef4190720
2014-03-17 07:43
- 4.25G Eligius 290977 0000000000000000f1586a3a2a454c72914ee7792c9181a058e27c80ec275877
2014-03-17 05:14
- 4.25G Eligius 290957 0000000000000000b3d3171f1a208f0548f27330ee49424dbfac9c409885a543
2014-03-17 03:40
- 4.25G Eligius 290947 00000000000000009c526f4bf2a6a3967e3cdbed7de4b6ccf05661d7350c9f00
2014-03-17 00:57
- 4.25G Eligius 290928 00000000000000007341223675ba46bab7fa0ba4286829e9e46cedeabf289ad4
2014-03-17 00:49
- 4.25G Eligius 290927 0000000000000000e27c0fb802dd07620355417c09635ba56e3768c12b51b28d
2014-03-17 00:23
- 4.25G Eligius 290925 0000000000000000f4da8c97e472a094a32b52738e931152f3c36ba14f8c33d5
2014-03-16 23:17
- 4.25G Eligius 290918 00000000000000000cce4f5537c749c0f8fc164e1683b97687b54e147aa49785
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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