OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-03-14 04:43
- 4.25G Eligius 290479 00000000000000009809e8a737ce29cd9673b568c77b4597b71a3819669dd165
2014-03-14 03:46
- 4.25G Eligius 290472 000000000000000086c49981c2dffe689633729133966f11016468900f16c85d
2014-03-14 01:01
- 4.25G Eligius 290457 00000000000000008824f733b41782596da82720ed207da8df4ca05b6a5aebc3
2014-03-14 00:35
- 4.25G Eligius 290456 00000000000000007e8d489229dd8e222409d30054fcfa49eec02c4d7763f7de
2014-03-13 22:04
- 4.25G Eligius 290445 0000000000000000bfd7a3200bcc933ccc75cc09fa2a812c4d3c27433dea0ba2
2014-03-13 21:40
- 4.25G Eligius 290443 0000000000000000ff7b0d9417e55115368b281f68fb798c01442dc12a5aa232
2014-03-13 21:08
- 4.25G Eligius 290441 0000000000000000ff5c3282fdda5426d22d2a1101fbc222925ab70e2a32c504
2014-03-13 20:52
- 4.25G Eligius 290439 0000000000000000944586608074f54eef4df5309bb8d0d51500858d09c82b43
2014-03-13 20:43
- 4.25G Eligius 290433 0000000000000000b50444b4fab8ccd5e11fb36c24e97ced17c8b59c78058f88
2014-03-13 20:01
- 4.25G Eligius 290427 00000000000000006f1567abccee362f55104e3ebb6ab8340b3c5ea4a40ae854
2014-03-13 19:59
- 4.25G Eligius 290426 00000000000000002a0367b67256de4bee1b43c37cd1fb0d55d6790a8075afa6
2014-03-13 19:47
- 4.25G Eligius 290422 000000000000000030ef8a794e7a011cd2069c633549c2dd049f3d09f294f158
2014-03-13 19:39
- 4.25G Eligius 290420 000000000000000026b28bc87df375106033fc2a70c0ca6946114a15c88c1f54
2014-03-13 19:08
- 4.25G Eligius 290415 000000000000000061cdec9b363ece288a2685c619cc8da733983f8c386c0d81
2014-03-13 18:14
- 4.25G Eligius 290407 00000000000000001928ce322dc735720d17ac6018a9951464dcdbc2de93c9b5
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
32 hours
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