OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-03-06 04:18
- 3.82G Eligius 289134 00000000000000005308f24818a4d68d52b4fbb56f28dac6c32fd2def8d90671
2014-03-06 03:40
- 3.82G Eligius 289127 0000000000000000aaf2fd05c09da460692698fb35697308be1ca97e5aa5d423
2014-03-06 02:34
- 3.82G Eligius 289124 000000000000000068be84756e0215a2fc439cceedee0e03f10c1502e127b4d9
2014-03-06 01:56
- 3.82G Eligius 289122 0000000000000000e92a30c0ba10caba6b7d77fb555564d3f2ec5cbaedb1994f
2014-03-06 01:21
- 3.82G Eligius 289115 0000000000000000178507eaf513f822a72f2072263b4e7393bdb99b0643975f
2014-03-05 23:14
- 3.82G Eligius 289100 000000000000000049cc5d6ab637b8e0ec8bf07cfe1be201f1b6660547d1237f
2014-03-05 19:39
- 3.82G Eligius 289079 00000000000000006ef05ac6b74bba8522b1d32975d0fbdbcbb78c0d7fd69898
2014-03-05 19:26
- 3.82G Eligius 289078 0000000000000000cbf6529ded1a4e0f870b0e3afabaf8ddd067fd8c0b2a9144
2014-03-05 18:55
- 3.82G Eligius 289075 00000000000000008984052466d757459ff52dcd0ce6510fc3f12d2358280bf9
2014-03-05 17:21
- 3.82G Eligius 289065 0000000000000000e90835cfa0632ba558a4d4cd0eaf857d02409850b13edd96
2014-03-05 16:10
- 3.82G Eligius 289058 0000000000000000076bafebd7250e20f83451fd33feef8a0671e9f9886086e4
2014-03-05 12:34
- 3.82G Eligius 289045 0000000000000000e302d363f16c1f39bbd5a01e0abda63bfa20169966397a71
2014-03-05 12:28
- 3.82G Eligius 289043 0000000000000000acfeacad242aacfeada62544be54d3b176d4aee7efeab893
2014-03-05 11:11
- 3.82G Eligius 289034 00000000000000008713539464b1a625fcca9be59d24f88bf22210cb2d215f30
2014-03-05 10:58
- 3.82G Eligius 289033 0000000000000000e6783d984bd00c3eddcc968443f1abe363dc654558f9c287
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
Share Log Window