OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-02-27 06:27
- 3.13G Eligius 288047 0000000000000000d5888b83a617ce5cd2b4f9ed008eb2e9332a67fd6d787a50
2014-02-27 06:23
- 3.13G Eligius 288045 0000000000000000287144b83333afcec127c4635d3ef59042b3c20fff557d65
2014-02-27 05:44
- 3.13G Eligius 288041 0000000000000000718d8d8201a0899bba280444b039080ffd84825166df3564
2014-02-27 05:10
- 3.13G Eligius 288038 000000000000000033e0e028202b0c9e380c21202be6c227af2b9e0e30b9e187
2014-02-27 04:45
- 3.13G Eligius 288033 0000000000000000946a0b983a58b2bec19bf1aaf70fb360a9782ef48b3cfb64
2014-02-27 04:40
- 3.13G Eligius 288032 0000000000000001219cf404c17a4ac02cbf79d45e5adf5d1d337a518742f4a1
2014-02-27 04:26
- 3.13G Eligius 288030 0000000000000000b212214a3d1752d8ebf4c76041b3ca8fb618c2f534ff2058
2014-02-27 03:22
- 3.13G Eligius 288024 000000000000000063dad8584a873fcb14226359d76d649bdc889e79fb4a7c3f
2014-02-27 02:13
- 3.13G Eligius 288019 00000000000000010844975265f18910977c3e85f5f8915832ec37ef18ea6e02
2014-02-27 01:21
- 3.13G Eligius 288012 0000000000000000b2d9570fa137befb3d6bafbeef7b5e47171f0fc553d8c8d5
2014-02-27 00:54
- 3.13G Eligius 288008 0000000000000000d162a9c8fcd62c5c90517ca177f44752d9fc74b49912e1b1
2014-02-26 20:51
- 3.13G Eligius 287979 0000000000000000af20a37a6bfbadc96f74da7b616938c341b82a3c0f3623f3
2014-02-26 19:41
- 3.13G Eligius 287975 00000000000000012fe2a752f4e3bd49ea519b17b18bf9b656d9d4a3951f84bc
2014-02-26 19:17
- 3.13G Eligius 287971 000000000000000158cc4772ff992f09e0447576b102ba59b44459c9d6f2de35
2014-02-26 19:09
- 3.13G Eligius 287968 000000000000000090b1da641a9116f929203fb947336d5f42875430c686bd9e
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
Share Log Window