OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-02-26 12:27
- 3.13G Eligius 287904 00000000000000001fdb666a7af43c0997efe38b409f9c900d6bab3ad139fd5d
2014-02-26 11:35
- 3.13G Eligius 287898 0000000000000000bd73d5367aad100b78a63899e5930e1173b22a5a14dd696f
2014-02-26 11:16
- 3.13G Eligius 287893 00000000000000010258c1c1389e58123e47f5982dffe9e1d0b214dcb4ca15c5
2014-02-26 09:12
- 3.13G Eligius 287884 0000000000000000a5a598892edaa63819b3adc13173a2f82d9d890084b90f13
2014-02-26 08:24
- 3.13G Eligius 287878 00000000000000005371e4fd5084e16e03cecaaf7ce565c4c970102c1fac776a
2014-02-26 06:41
- 3.13G Eligius 287867 0000000000000000e7e541cebc02ebf55166e78dda29c6c3b84e09c58695e725
2014-02-26 06:19
- 3.13G Eligius 287864 0000000000000000d27103912694bcc4cc9473881d681aa4fd2bd6bacc7b7692
2014-02-26 06:08
- 3.13G Eligius 287862 00000000000000002c9f62fc858170c99a8c72c8bb852a9f08bf8561c76427c9
2014-02-26 06:02
- 3.13G Eligius 287861 00000000000000004c1b0d3be007bae474a76d4d8c8daae37224362e6c8a7505
2014-02-26 05:37
- 3.13G Eligius 287859 00000000000000004496a13bc3f8693b85cf9c8b9f5022431e4c2f6df69664a6
2014-02-26 04:48
- 3.13G Eligius 287856 00000000000000002611fe0ec5ae73072f01da700564fcbd0105c16b77df8d50
2014-02-26 04:25
- 3.13G Eligius 287853 000000000000000085572f067014592cb69cbd9f0a6d0f9fe9821b0e17bbc720
2014-02-26 04:08
- 3.13G Eligius 287852 00000000000000005b42a1db0b0c19577f8c785a5cf9fc41c5a5a78472f2f185
2014-02-26 02:51
- 3.13G Eligius 287840 0000000000000000e14ba61d1f08387644360c9133cec08ff13fe3ea2724d300
2014-02-26 02:20
- 3.13G Eligius 287837 0000000000000000d6f6a10d9ea2edd42a2235332cbc0055252d9b1c96b2d474
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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