OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-02-24 11:51
- 3.13G Eligius 287565 00000000000000004d69e6fc589ad04c58fdcd563314c94ab0df87e0ad2d9021
2014-02-24 11:51
- 3.13G Eligius 287564 0000000000000000a3e1579f891663d16961b77ed5ac6f4788077ca898811153
2014-02-24 11:42
- 3.13G Eligius 287563 00000000000000011997beec462d83e24e2af96cc3e3e8f1687d42f5ceb7272c
2014-02-24 11:07
- 3.13G Eligius 287553 00000000000000011b7c3a6d688d9f8cf045238567e14f368785a7ab3e88968c
2014-02-24 09:38
- 3.13G Eligius 287539 000000000000000110c6bffcd7bff725e81800f30df64f7c19975c772fe625a4
2014-02-24 08:41
- 3.13G Eligius 287534 000000000000000015e8a50a0ac2c1929690946462036043a3eb977ad6c7565f
2014-02-24 08:25
- 3.13G Eligius 287533 0000000000000000aaebbf42bc3f737635a7d12222af0411b160c052505c6555
2014-02-24 07:49
- 3.13G Eligius 287527 0000000000000000d7b782b022f72f317f1f98de95afe6ac737d64ff9ccf7faf
2014-02-24 07:13
- 3.13G Eligius 287522 000000000000000010c8d662acd512895e7e49b1bccf8df604d04fccec45aefe
2014-02-24 07:06
- 3.13G Eligius 287518 00000000000000000674c745f787ac55bb3860c06eb3bece244a5009751fceca
2014-02-24 06:20
- 3.13G Eligius 287513 00000000000000006a6062df84b67a4e89a04e81e286faa467ae9153f025f46f
2014-02-24 06:11
- 3.13G Eligius 287512 000000000000000061d0d71bda92ed634a979e82261c65163f9f65bdb52b0626
2014-02-24 06:03
- 3.13G Eligius 287511 0000000000000000ac79d30402672585d5356095e5d8ce636d442cb8ca69b8de
2014-02-24 06:00
- 3.13G Eligius 287510 0000000000000001047d4535c91fbb0c57dba9d32d35bcb1e4439dd60fe93829
2014-02-24 04:21
- 3.13G Eligius 287500 00000000000000010e4bc33648dd91878a3b583b0a56eb9c31cbcf3d53aada4d
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
30 hours
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