OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Drag to zoom. Double-click to zoom out.
OCEAN Hashrate
3-hour hash rate. Pinch to zoom. Drag to pan. Double-tap to zoom out.
Blocks Found
Users with shares in the last 3 hours
Total Bitcoins Mined
Leaderboard rankings are based on 3-hour average hash rate, and updated every 10 minutes.
List of people mining OCEAN
Blocks Found
List of blocks found
Found Shares Difficulty Solver Height Hash
2014-02-25 04:17
- 3.13G Eligius 287686 0000000000000000aac73f6f9e1c9d848b76d6e98d60991f46071044ddd65e99
2014-02-25 04:17
- 3.13G Eligius 287687 0000000000000000b28e2818c4d8019fb71e33ec2d223f5e09394a89caccf4e2
2014-02-25 04:10
- 3.13G Eligius 287685 000000000000000070083ee3b00ba7a6e90a7778e2e8392c68c51c0648779062
2014-02-25 04:00
- 3.13G Eligius 287683 00000000000000008248459f92fa1977210b2b6ad4b1121e9e871264d6f1bce2
2014-02-25 03:50
- 3.13G Eligius 287682 000000000000000021461ac3a0ef302417ba9a55b08ae3fe0432120d2c2a9890
2014-02-25 03:03
- 3.13G Eligius 287675 00000000000000007f36ebf37eeb904adf4861a85e77d2de3cb2fe334ec013d4
2014-02-25 02:20
- 3.13G Eligius 287669 000000000000000029c1ab06b5f7d960c73c50547b9bbba494a0fda8b3bece45
2014-02-25 01:19
- 3.13G Eligius 287665 00000000000000010f674a9217be5d02e366c4407c1bc0ddf994226f0ddb4adf
2014-02-25 00:32
- 3.13G Eligius 287660 0000000000000000e1d61f77bf7eec7a2068ad8577e95fd5afa1a95f5fcc6958
2014-02-25 00:23
- 3.13G Eligius 287658 000000000000000035b57cd3ea8d3d7c0501e0b3944a97f553737c0fc358b3c6
2014-02-24 23:48
- 3.13G Eligius 287655 00000000000000000cc3eead019e8d0302e2c5315873868f61e9fa8dcddd30c5
2014-02-24 23:45
- 3.13G Eligius 287653 0000000000000000feb04956fda79cbf01ef9ad43ea2b609df499f34b0c401be
2014-02-24 23:40
- 3.13G Eligius 287652 00000000000000006be15dfed46db38dfeaf494d087532d43b3a2fc8e86cc822
2014-02-24 22:51
- 3.13G Eligius 287641 0000000000000000ff4abe104f0225e6b5ce8fcbff1158547bf727d49835d925
2014-02-24 21:38
- 3.13G Eligius 287630 00000000000000004873c60a1b16a4a8d42ef8c752a009481585fd8dbf545d1d
Network Difficulty
Average Time to Block
Based on 24-hour average pool hash rate
31 hours
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